486 Marina Ruths and Jacob N. Israelachvili
Abrupt versus Continuous Transitions Between Smooth and Stick–Slip Sliding
An understanding of stick–slip is of great practical importance in tribology [350],
since these spikes are the major cause of damage and wear of moving parts. Stick–
slip motionis a verycommon phenomenonand is also the cause of sound generation
(the sound of a violin string, a squeaking door, or the chatter of machinery), sensory
perception(taste textureand feel), earthquakes,granularflow, nonuniformfluid flow
such as the spurtingflow of polymericliquids, etc. In the previoussection, the stick–
slip motion arising from freezing–melting transitions in thin interfacial films was
described.There areother mechanismsthat can giverise to stick–slipfriction,which
will now be considered. However, before proceeding with this, it is important to
clarify exactly what one is measuring during a friction experiment.
Most tribological systems and experiments can be described in terms of an
equivalent mechanical circuit with certain characteristics. The friction force F
which is generated at the surfaces, is generally measured as F at some other place
in the set-up. The mechanical coupling between the two may be described in terms
of a simple elastic stiffness or compliance, K, or as more complex nonelastic coef-
ficients, depending on the system. The distinction between F and F
is important
because, in almost all practical cases, the applied, measured, or detected force, F,is
not the same as the “real” or “intrinsic” friction force, F
, generated at the surfaces.
F and F
are coupled in a way that depends on the mechanical construction of the
system, for example, the axle of a car wheel that connects it to the engine. This
coupling can be modeled as an elastic spring of stiffness K and mass m.Thisisthe
simplest type of mechanical couplingand is also the same as in SFA- and AFM-type
experiments. More complicated real systems can be reduced to a system of springs
and dashpots, as described by Peachey et al. [351] and Luengo et al. [47].
We now consider four different models of stick–slip friction, where the me-
chanical couplings are assumed to be of the simple elastic spring type. The first
three mechanisms may be considered traditional or classical mechanisms or mod-
els [350], the fourth is essentially the same as the freezing–melting phase-transition
model described in Sect. 9.8.3.
Rough Surfaces or Surface Topology Model Rapid slips can occur whenever an
asperity on one surface goes over the top of an asperity on the other surface. The
extentof the slip will depend on asperity heightsand slopes, on the speed of sliding,
and on the elastic compliance of the surfaces and the moving stage. As in all cases
of stick–slip motion, the driving velocity v may be constant, but the resulting motion
at the surfaces v
will display large slips. This type of stick–slip has been described
by Rabinowicz [350]. It will not be of much concern here since it is essentially
a noise-type fluctuation, resulting from surface imperfections rather than from the
intrinsic interaction between two surfaces. Actually, at the atomic level, the regular
atomic-scale corrugations of surfaces can lead to periodic stick–slip motion of the
type shown here. This is what is sometimes measured by AFM tips [10,58,59,290,