480 Marina Ruths and Jacob N. Israelachvili
(“in-plane” ordering). Such films may be thought of as behaving more like a liquid
crystal or a solid than a liquid.
As described in Sect. 9.4.3, the measured normal forces between two solid sur-
facesacross molecularlythin films exhibitexponentiallydecayingoscillations, vary-
ing between attraction and repulsion with a periodicity equal to some molecular di-
mension of the solvent molecules. Thus most liquid films can sustain a finite normal
stress,and the adhesion forcebetween two surfacesacross suchfilms is “quantized”,
depending on the thickness (or number of liquid layers) between the surfaces. The
structuring of molecules in thin films and the oscillatory forces it gives rise to are
now reasonably well understood, both experimentally and theoretically, at least for
simple liquids.
Work has also recently been done on the dynamic, e.g., viscous or shear, forces
associated with molecularly thin films. Both experiments[38,46,257,275,280,281,
335,336] and theory [254,255,326,337] indicate that, even when two surfaces are
in steady-state sliding, they still prefer to remain in one of their stable potential-
energy minima, i.e., a sheared film of liquid can retain its basic layered structure.
Thus even during motion the film does not become totally liquid-like. Indeed, if
there is some “in-plane” ordering within a film, it will exhibit a yield point before
it begins to flow. Such films can therefore sustain a finite shear stress, in addition to
a finite normal stress. The value of the yield stress depends on the number of layers
comprisingthe film and represents another“quantized”property of molecularlythin
films [254].
The dynamic properties of a liquid film undergoing shear are very complex.
Depending on whether the film is more liquid-like or solid-like, the motion will
be smooth or of the stick–slip type illustrated schematically in Fig. 9.25. During
sliding, transitions can occur between n layers and (n −1) or (n + 1) layers (see
Fig. 9.27). The details of the motion depend critically on the externally applied
load, the temperature, the sliding velocity, the twist angle between the two surface
lattices, and the sliding direction relative to the lattices.
Smooth and Stick–Slip Sliding
Recent advances in friction-measuring techniques have enabled the interfacial fric-
tion of molecularly thin films to be measured with great accuracy. Some of these
advances have involved the surface forces apparatus technique [38,44–47,274,275,
280,281,285,286,296,297,308,313,335,336,338] while others have involved the
atomic force microscope[10,58,59,284,290,339,340].In addition, computer simu-
lations [111,151,254,255,287,295,299–302,315–317,333,337,341] have become
sufficientlysophisticated toenable fairly complextribologicalsystems to bestudied.
All these advances are necessary if one is to probe such subtle effectsassmoothor
stick–slip friction, transient and memory effects, and ultralow friction mechanisms
at the molecular level.