9 Surface Forces and Nanorheology of Molecularly Thin Films 425
as small as 1 pN (10
N), which corresponds to the bond strength of single
molecules [54–57]. Distances can be inferred with an accuracy of about 1nm, and
changes in distance can be measured to about 0.1 nm. Since the contact area can
be small when using sharp tips, different interaction regimes can be resolved on
samples with a heterogeneous composition on lateral scales of a few nanometers.
Height differences and the roughness of the sample can be measured directly from
the cantilever deflection or, alternatively, by using a feedback system to raise or
lower the sample so that the deflection (the normal force) is kept constant during
a scan over the area of interest. Weak interaction forces and larger (microscopic)
interaction areas can be investigated by replacing the tip with a micrometer-sized
sphere to form a “colloidal probe” [9].
The atomic force microscopecan also be used for friction measurements(lateral
force microscopy, LFM, or friction force microscopy, FFM) by monitoring the tor-
sion of the cantilever as the sample is scanned in the direction perpendicular to the
long axis of the cantilever [10,53,58,59].Typically, the stiffness of the cantilever to
lateral bending is much larger than to bending in the normal direction and to torsion,
so that these signals are decoupled and height and friction can be detected simulta-
neously. The torsional spring constant can be as low as 0.1Nm
, giving a lateral
(friction) force sensitivity of 10
Rapid technical developmentshave facilitated the calibrations of the normal [61,
62] and lateral spring constants [59,63–65], as well as in situ measurements of the
macroscopic tip radius [66, 67]. Cantilevers of different shapes with a large range
of spring constants, tip radii, and surface treatments (inorganic or organic coatings)
are commercially available. The flat surface, and also the particle in the colloidal
probe technique, can be any material of interest. However, remaining difficulties
with this technique are that the distance between the tip and the substrate, D,and
the deformations of the tip and sample, are not directly measurable. Another im-
portant difference between the AFM/LFM and SFA techniques is the different size
of the contact area, and the related observation that, even when a cantilever with
a very low spring constant is used in the AFM, the pressure in the contact zone is
typically much higher than in the SFA. Hydrodynamic effects in liquids also affect
the measurements of normal forces differently on certain time scales [68–71].
9.2.4 Some Other Force-Measuring Techniques
A largenumberof other techniquesare availablefor the measurementsof the normal
forces between solid or fluid surfaces (see [5,60]). The techniques discussed in this
section are not used for lateral (friction) force measurements, but are commonly
used to study normal forces, particularly in biological systems.
Micropipette aspiration is used to measure the forces between cells or vesicles,
or between a cell or vesicle and another surface [72–74]. The cell or vesicle is held
by suction at the tip of a glass micropipette and deforms elastically in response to
the net interactions with another surface and to the applied suction. The shape of
the deformed surface (cell membrane) is measured and used to deduce the force
between the surfaces and the membrane tension [73]. The membrane tension, and