396 Bharat Bhushan
in friction force and coefficient of friction [10,17]. The chemical bonds of Si−OH
between the tip and the Si(100) surface induce large adhesive force. For Z-15 film,
at high velocity the meniscus formed by condensed water and Z-15 molecules is
broken and does not have enough time to rebuild; therefore, the adhesive force and
consequently friction force is reduced. The friction mechanisms for the Z-15 film
still is shearing the same viscous liquid even at high velocity range, thus the coeffi-
cient of friction of Z-15 does not change with velocity. For Z-DOL (BW) film, the
surface can adsorb few water molecules in ambient condition, and at high velocity
these molecules are displaced, which is responsible for a slight decrease in friction
force and adhesive force. Koinkar and Bhushan [40,40] have suggested that, in the
case of samples with mobile films, such as condensed water and Z-15 films, align-
ment of liquid molecules (shearthinning)is responsiblefor the drop in friction force
with increasing scanning velocity. This could be another reason for the decrease in
friction force for Si(100) and Z-15 film with velocity in this study.
To study the effect of relative humidity on friction and adhesion, the variation
of friction force, adhesive force, and coefficient of friction of Si(100), Z-15, and
Z-DOL (BW) as a function of relative humidity is shown in Fig. 8.67 [42]. It shows
that, for Si(100) and Z-15 film, the friction force increases with relative humidity up
to 45%, and then shows a slight decrease with further increases in the relative hu-
midity. Z-DOL (BW) has a smaller frictionforce than Si(100) andZ-15 in the whole
testing range and its friction force shows an apparent relative ncrease when the rel-
ative humidity is higher than 45%. For Si(100), Z-15 and Z-DOL (BW), their adhe-
sive forces increase with relative humidity, and their coefficients of friction increase
with relative humidity up to 45%, after which they decrease with further increases
of relative humidity. It is also observed that the effect of humidity on Si(100) de-
pends on the history of the Si(100) sample. As the surface of Si(100) wafer readily
adsorb water in air, without any pretreatment the Si(100) used in our study almost
reaches to its saturate stage of adsorbedwater, and is responsible for a smaller effect
during increasing relative humidity. However,once the Si(100) wafer was thermally
treated by baking at 150
C for 1hour, a bigger effect was observed.
The schematic (left) in Fig. 8.67 shows that Si(100), because of its high free
surface energy, can adsorb more water molecules while increasing relative humid-
ity [42]. As discussed earlier, for the Z-15 film in the humid environment, the con-
densed water from the humid environmentcompetes with the lubricant film present
on the sample surface, and the interaction of the liquid lubricant film with the sili-
con substrate is weakened and a boundary layer of the liquid lubricant forms pud-
dles. This dewetting allows water molecules to be adsorbed onto the Si(100) sub-
strate mixed with Z-15 molecules [39, 40]. Obviously, more water molecules can
be adsorbed onto the Z-15 surface with increasing relative humidity. The higher
number of adsorbed water molecules in the case of Si(100), along with the lubri-
cant molecules in the Z-15 film case, form a larger water meniscus, which leads to
an increase of friction force, adhesive force, and coefficient of friction of Si(100)
and Z-15 with humidity. However, at the very high humidity of 70%, large quan-
tities of adsorbed water can form a continues water layer that separates the tip