8 Nanotribology, Nanomechanics and Materials Characterization 385
an ME tape without DLC. For the ME tape, the endurance limit is seen to go down
with decreasing mean stress. This is consistent with the literature and is because
for lower mean stress the corresponding stress amplitude is relatively high and this
causes failure. The endurancelimit is found to be almost the same for all three mean
stresses. In the case of ME tape without DLC, the critical number of cycles is also
found to be in the same range.
In situ surface characterization of unstretched and stretched films has been used
to measure the Poisson’s ratio of polymeric thin films by Bhushan [120]. Uniax-
ial tension is applied by the tensile stage. Surface height profiles obtained from
the AFM images of unstretched and stretched samples are used to monitor the
changes in displacements of the polymer films in the longitudinal and lateral di-
rections simultaneously.
8.4.5 Nanofabrication/Nanomachining
An AFM can be used for nanofabrication/nanomachining by extending the mi-
croscale scratching operation [4, 13, 27, 65]. Figure 8.57 shows two examples of
nanofabrication.The patterns were created on a single-crystal silicon(100) wafer by
scratching the sample surface with a diamond tip at specified locations and scratch-
ing angles. Each line is scribed manually at a normal load of 15 µN and a writing
speed of 0.5µm/s. The separation between lines is about 50nm and the variation in
line width is due to the tip asymmetry. Nanofabrication parameters – normal load,
scanning speed, and tip geometry – can be controlled precisely to control depth and
length of the devices.
Nanofabrication using mechanical scratching has several advantages over other
techniques. Better control over the applied normal load, scan size, and scanning
speed can be used for nanofabrication of devices. Using the technique, nanofabri-
cation can be performed on any engineering surface. Use of chemical etching or
reactions is not required and this dry nanofabrication process can be used where
the use of chemicals and electric fields is prohibited. One disadvantageof this tech-
nique is the formation of debris during scratching. At light loads, debris formation
is not a problem comparedto high-loadscratching. However, debriscan be removed
easily from the scan area at light loads during scanning.
8.5 Indentation
Mechanical properties on relevant scales are needed for the analysis of friction and
wear mechanisms.Mechanical properties,such as hardness and Young’s modulusof
elasticity can be determined on the micro- to picoscales using the AFM [23,27,44,
50] and a depth-sensing indentation system used in conjunction with an AFM [49,