© 1999 by CRC Press LLC
The Editor
Bharat Bhushan, Ph.D.,
a pioneer in tribology and the mechanics of magnetic
storage devices, is an internationally recognized expert in the general fields of
conventional tribology and micro/nanotribology and one of the most prolific
authors. He is presently an Ohio Eminent Scholar and The Howard D. Win-
bigler Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Director
of Computer Microtribology and Contamination Laboratory at The Ohio State
University, Columbus.
He received a Masters in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, a Masters in mechanics and a Ph.D. in mechanical
engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, an MBA from Rens-
selaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, NY, a Doctor Technicae from the University
of Trondheim, Norway, and a Habilitate Doctor of Technical Sciences from the
Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. He is a registered professional engineer (mechanical).
He has authored five technical books, 22 handbook chapters, more than 350 technical papers in refereed
journals, more than 60 technical reports, edited more than 24 books, and holds seven U.S. patents. He
is founding editor-in-chief of the
World Scientific Advances in Information Storage Systems Series, The
CRC Press Mechanics and Materials Science Series
, and the
Journal of Information Storage and Processing
. He has given more than 175 invited presentations on five continents, including several keynote
addresses at major international conferences. He is an accomplished organizer. He organized the first
symposium on Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Systems in 1984 and the first international
symposium on Advances in Information Storage Systems in 1990. He continues to organize and chair
the AISS symposia annually. He founded an ASME Information Storage and Processing Systems Division
and is the founding chair. His biography has been listed in over two dozen
Who’s Who
books, including
Who’s Who in the World.
He has received more than a dozen awards for his contributions to science and
technology from professional societies, industry, and U.S. government agencies. He is a foreign member
of the Byelorussian Academy of Engineering and Technology, the Russian Engineering Academy and the
Ukrainian Academy of Transportation, a senior member of IEEE, and a member of STLE, NSPE, Sigma
Xi, and Tau Beta Pi.
Dr. Bhushan has worked for the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Automotive Specialists, Denver, CO; the R & D Division of Mechanical
Technology, Inc., Latham, NY; the Technology Services Division of SKF Industries, Inc., King of Prussia,
PA; the General Products Division Laboratory of IBM Corporation, Tucson, AZ; the Almaden Research
Center of IBM Corporation, San Jose, CA; and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of California, Berkeley.
He is married and has two children. His hobbies include music, photography, hiking, and traveling.