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magnetic storage systems, MEMS, and other industrial applications. The components used in micro-
and nanostructures are very light (on the order of a few micrograms) and operate under very light loads
(on the order of a few micrograms to a few milligrams). As a result, friction and wear (on a nanoscale)
of lightly loaded micro/nanocomponents are highly dependent on the surface interactions (few atomic
layers). These structures are generally lubricated with molecularly thin films. Micro- and nanotribological
techniques are ideal for studying the friction and wear processes of micro- and nanostructures. Although
micro/nanotribological studies are critical to study micro- and nanostructures, these studies are also
valuable in the fundamental understanding of interfacial phenomena in macrostructures to provide a
bridge between science and engineering. At interfaces of technological innovations, contact occurs at
multiple asperity contacts. A sharp tip of a tip-based microscope sliding on a surface simulates a single
asperity contact, thus allowing high-resolution measurements of surface interactions at a single asperity
contact. Friction and wear on micro- and nanoscales have been found to be generally small compared
to that at macroscales. Therefore, micro/nanotribological studies may identify regimes for ultralow
friction and near zero wear.
To give a historical perspective of the field, the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) developed by
Dr. Gerd Binnig and his colleagues in 1981 at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Forschungslabor, is
the first instrument capable of directly obtaining three-dimensional images of solid surfaces with atomic
resolution (Binnig et
al., 1982). Binnig and Rohrer received a Nobel prize in physics in 1986 for their
discovery. STMs can only be used to study surfaces which are electrically conductive to some degree.
Based on their STM design in 1985, Binnig et
al. developed an atomic force microscope (AFM) to measure
ultrasmall forces (less than 1
µN) present between the AFM tip surface and the sample surface (Binnig
al., 1986a, 1987). AFMs can be used for measurement of
all engineering surfaces
which may be either
electrically conducting or insulating. AFM has become a popular surface profiler for topographic mea-
surements on micro- to nanoscale (Bhushan and Blackman, 1991; Oden et
al., 1992; Ganti and Bhushan,
1995; Poon and Bhushan, 1995; Koinkar and Bhushan, 1997a; Bhushan et al., 1997c). Mate et
al. (1987)
were the first to modify an AFM in order to measure both normal and friction forces, and this instrument
is generally called friction force microscope (FFM) or lateral force microscope (LFM). Since then, a
number of researchers have used the FFM to measure friction on micro- and nanoscales (Erlandsson
al., 1988a,b; Kaneko, 1988; Blackman et
al., 1990b; Cohen et
al., 1990; Marti et
al., 1990; Meyer and
Amer, 1990b; Miyamoto et
al., 1990; Kaneko et
al., 1991; Meyer et
al., 1992; Overney et
al., 1992; Germann
al., 1993; Bhushan et
al., 1994a–e, 1995a–g, 1997a–b; Frisbie et
al., 1994; Ruan and Bhushan, 1994a–c;
Koinkar and Bhushan, 1996a–c, 1997a,c; Bhushan and Sundararajan, 1998). By using a standard or a
sharp diamond tip mounted on a stiff cantilever beam, AFMs can be used for scratching, wear, and
measurements of elastic/plastic mechanical properties (such as indentation hardness and modulus of
elasticity) (Burnham and Colton, 1989; Maivald et
al., 1991; Hamada and Kaneko, 1992; Miyamoto et
1991, 1993; Bhushan, 1995; Bhushan et
al., 1994b–e, 1995a–f, 1996, 1997a,b; Koinkar and Bhushan,
1996a,b, 1997b,c; Kulkarni and Bhushan, 1996a,b, 1997; DeVecchio and Bhushan, 1997).
AFMs and their modifications have also been used for studies of adhesion (Blackman et
al., 1990a;
Burnham et
al., 1990; Ducker et
al., 1992; Hoh et
al., 1992; Salmeron et
al., 1992, 1993; Weisenhorn et
1992; Burnham et
al., 1993a,b; Hues et
al., 1993; Frisbie et
al., 1994; Bhushan and Sundararajan, 1998),
electrostatic force measurements (Martin et
al., 1988; Yee et
al., 1993), ion conductance and electrochem-
istry (Hansma et
al., 1989; Manne et
al., 1991; Binggeli et
al., 1993), material manipulation (Weisenhorn
al., 1990; Leung and Goh, 1992), detection of transfer of material (Ruan and Bhushan, 1993), thin-
film boundary lubrication (Blackman et
al., 1990a,b; Mate and Novotny, 1991; Mate, 1992; Meyer et
1992; O’Shea et
al., 1992; Overney et
al., 1992; Bhushan et al., 1995f,g; Koinkar and Bhushan, 1996b–c),
to measure lubricant film thickness (Mate et
al., 1989, 1990; Bhushan and Blackman, 1991; Koinkar and
Bhushan, 1996c), to measure surface temperatures (Majumdar et
al., 1993; Stopta et al., 1995), for
magnetic force measurements including its application for magnetic recording (Martin et
al., 1987b;
Rugar et
al., 1990; Schonenberger and Alvarado, 1990; Grutter et
al., 1991, 1992; Ohkubo et
al., 1991;
Zuger and Rugar, 1993), and for imaging crystals, polymers, and biological samples in water (Drake
al., 1989; Gould et
al., 1990; Prater et
al., 1991; Haberle et
al., 1992; Hoh and Hansma, 1992). STMs