© 1999 by CRC Press LLC
The scan sizes available for this instrument are 0.7, 12, and 125 µm. The scan rate must be decreased
as the scan size is increased. A maximum scan rate of 122 Hz can be used. Scan rates of about 60 Hz
should be used for small scan lengths (0.7 µm). Scan rates of 0.5 to 2.5 Hz should be used for large scans
on samples with tall features. High scan rates help reduce drift, but they can only be used on flat samples
with small scan sizes. Scan rate or scanning speed in length/time is equal to twice the scan length times
the scan rate in Hz, and in the slow direction, it is equal to scan length times the scan rate in Hz divided
by the number of data points in the transverse direction. For example, for 10 × 10 µm scan size scanned
at 0.5 Hz, the scan rates in the fast and slow scan directions are 10 µm/s and 20 nm/s, respectively.
Normally 256 × 256 data points are taken for each image. The lateral resolution at larger scans is
approximately equal to scan length divided by 256. The piezotube requires X–Y calibration which is
carried out by imaging an appropriate calibration standard. Cleaved graphite is used for small scan heads
while two-dimensional grids (a gold-plating ruling) can be used for longer-range heads.
To prepare AFM for imaging, the following steps are required: installing a cantilever, loading a sample,
aligning the optics, and doing the coarse approach of the tip to the sample. By loosening the cantilever
holding-arm screw located on the back of the optical head, the cantilever mount is removed. The
appropriate cantilever is mounted on the cantilever mount with a clip (Figure 1.19D), and the cantilever
mount is replaced into the optical head. The AFM is provided with 12.7-mm-diameter steel pucks that
can be attached to the magnetic cap on the end of the scanner tube. The sample is placed on the puck
by using a sticky tab or a quick-drying glue and the puck is placed onto the magnetic cap on the top of
the scanner tube. Next, the optical head is placed on the magnetic balls mounted on the ends of the three
screws of a scanner on which the sample has already been loaded. When the head is in place, electrical
connections are made. Next the laser, cantilever, and photodiode are aligned. While observing the
substrate/cantilever through a magnifier, the laser spot is adjusted with the two positioning knobs on
the top of the head so that it is positioned on the vertex of the cantilever. After the laser beam is properly
aligned with the cantilever, photodiode positioners are adjusted to center the laser spot in the quad
photodiode. As a first step, the laser spot is centered visually then centered more precisely to maximize
the AFM sum signal (T + B), while setting the FFM difference signal (L – R) to zero (for friction
measurements, to be discussed later). When the AFM sum signal is maximized, one should see a signal
of 5 to 9 V. After optical alignment, the cantilever is lowered with the coarse-approach screw until the
tip is about 0.1 mm above the sample, followed by the fine position of the tip by monitoring the reflection
of the illuminated cantilever on the sample (tip must not touch the sample). A final step prior to engaging
is the setting of the AFM control switch to difference signal (down position) and the adjustment of the
photodiode position until the output of the preamp is set to a desirable value, between –1 and –4 V.
Now the AFM is ready for scanning, which is initiated by engaging the microscope.
Examples of AFM images of freshly cleaved HOP graphite and mica surfaces are shown in Figure 1.20
(Albrecht and Quate, 1987; Marti et al., 1987; Ruan and Bhushan, 1994b).
Force calibration mode is used to study interaction between the cantilever and the sample surface. In
the force calibration mode, the X- and Y-voltages applied to the piezotube are held at zero and a sawtooth
voltage is applied to the Z-electrode of the piezotube, Figure 1.21A. The force measurement starts with
the sample far away and the cantilever in its rest position. As a result of the applied voltage, the sample
is moved up and down relative to the stationary cantilever tip. As the piezo moves the sample up and
down, the cantilever deflection signal from the photodiode is monitored. The force curve, a plot of the
cantilever deflection signal as a function of the voltage applied to the piezotube, is obtained. Figure 1.21B
depicts a typical force–separation curve showing the various features of the curve. The arrow heads reveal
the direction of piezo travel. At point 1, the tip is off the sample surface. From point 1 to point 2 there
is no change in the deflection signal as the piezo extends, because the force is initially zero as the sample
has not come into contact with the tip. At point 2 the tip is a fraction of a nanometer away from the
sample, and the force between the tip and the sample suddenly becomes attractive. The cantilever bends
toward the sample and the attractive force increases gradually until point 2′ of the sample and tip come
into intimate contact and the force becomes repulsive. The maximum forward deflection of the cantilever