film of hard oxide, which under normal operating conditions will not harm personnel. Extreme caution should be used,
however, and safety equipment should be available in the event of a furnace overrun.
However, if parts require cleaning after forming and if grit blasting is used, the wet method is recommended. Wet blasting
minimizes the possibility that beryllium oxide dust will contaminate the surrounding atmosphere. Adequate ventilation
must be provided if parts are processed by chemical etching after forming.
The usual precautions observed in working with beryllium must be taken. Details on protection can be obtained from the
publication "Health Protection in Beryllium Facilities," which is available from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Also, a video tape, "Beryllium: Safe Handling," is available through Brush Wellman Inc.
Forming of Beryllium
Revised by Larry A. Grant, Electrofusion Corporation
Deep Drawing (Ref 1)
Deep drawing is the forming of deeply recessed (cuplike) parts by means of plastic flow of the material (see the article
"Deep Drawing" in this Volume). Tooling consists of a punch and a suitable die or draw ring. Normally, the deformation
in deep drawing is actually a combination of deep drawing and stretching.
There are two parameters that must be under control during any successful deep-drawing operation: friction and hold-
down pressure. Both can be controlled by proper die design and lubricant selection, as discussed below.
Lubrication is required to prevent galling between the beryllium workpiece and the die. A lubricant film must be
maintained over that portion of the blank surface making contact with the drawing surfaces of the die throughout the
entire draw. Because elevated temperatures (595 to 675 °C, or 1100 to 1250 °F, for the workpiece; 400 to 500 °C, or 750
to 930 °F, for the dies) are required to deep draw beryllium, conventional lubricants applied directly to the blank and die
will burn off, causing galling between workpiece and die at high-pressure areas such as the draw ring. The solution to this
problem is best achieved by using die materials that are self-lubricating, such as graphite or an overlay of colloidal
suspension of graphite on an asbestos paper carrier.
The technique of using consolidated graphite as a self-lubricating die material was initially developed for forming small,
thin-walled parts to finished size. This technique has evolved to the point that very deep drawing of 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)
thick blanks over a graphite draw ring is routine. The disadvantage is that such draw rings have short service life.
Organic emulsified suspensions of powdered graphite, aluminum, and copper have all been used successfully to lubricate
punches to facilitate part stripping. These materials can also be applied to the draw ring to improve lubricity of the
drawing surface under the graphite-impregnated paper.
Blank development for deep drawing of beryllium generally follows the same rules as for other metals. Blanks too
thin to support themselves during the early stages of drawing will buckle or wrinkle. A restraining force is required to
prevent this.
There are numerous factors involved in determining whether blank restraint is required during any drawing operation. The
two most important are the ratio of blank diameter d to blank thickness t and the percentage of reduction from one draw to
the next.
The relationship between reduction R and d/t is shown in Fig. 3 for cylindrical parts, whether they are flat bottomed or
hemispherical cups. The areas under the curves were determined experimentally, with the curves themselves being the
normal limit of formability for a given reduction at a given d/t ratio.