Reduction in diameter in a single operation should not exceed 8 to 15%, depending on alloy, temper, and extent of prior
work hardening. The angle from the body to the necked diameter should be less than 45°, to prevent collapse of the shell.
It may be necessary to anneal the workpiece locally.
Hole flanging, the forming of a flange or collar around a hole in sheet stock, can be a critical operation. The hole
should be punched from the side opposite the intended flange. This prevents splitting of the severely stretched outer edge
of the flange. Splitting could be initiated by the burred edge of the hole.
Shallow-flanged holes can be produced in a single pierce-and-flange operation with a stepped punch. The edges of the
pierced hole should also be as smooth as possible. Low-strength ductile alloys in the annealed temper will permit forming
the deepest flanges and the sharpest bend radii. More information on hole flanging is available in the article "Press
Bending of Low-Carbon Steel" in this Volume.
Beading or ribbing is usually the most economical way to provide stiffness and avoid oilcan or buckling effects in large
panels. Beads that extend from edge to edge of the workpiece are conveniently formed either by bending in a press brake
or with corrugating rolls.
Beads that do not extend all the way across the part require a stretching or forming operation either with a rubber-pad die
or in a punch press with a rigid punch and a rigid die. A double-acting die and a blank-holder can be used to prevent
wrinkling at the ends of the beads, and deep, parallel beads are often made one at a time. Rubber-pad forming can also be
used, as can drop hammer forming for small quantities.
Forming of Aluminum Alloys
1. S.S. Hecker, Forming Limit Diagrams, Met. Eng. Q., Vol 14, 1974, p 30-36
2. I.J. Polmear, Light Alloys, Edward Arnold, 1981
3. L.R. Morris et al., Formability of Aluminum Sheet Alloys, in
Aluminum Transformation Technology and
Applications, C.A. Pampillo, Ed., American Society for Metals, 1982, p 549-582
4. "Comparison of Olsen Cup Values on Aluminum Alloys," Publication T13, A
S.S. Hecker, A Simple Forming Limit Curve Technique and Results on Aluminum Alloys, International
Deep Drawing Research Group Congress, Oct 1972
6. A.K. Ghosh, Superplasticity in Aluminum Alloys, in Superplastic Forming,
S.P. Agrawal, Ed., American
Society for Metals, 1985, p 23-31
7. D.L. Holt and W. Backofen, Trans. ASM, Vol 59, 1966, p 755
8. D.J. Lloyd and D.M. Moore, in Superplastic Forming of Structural Alloys,
N.E. Paton and C.H. Hamilton,
Ed., American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1982, p 147
9. K Matsuki, H. Morita, M. Yamada, and Y. Murakami, Met. Sci., Vol 11, 1977, p 156
A.K. Ghosh, in Superplastic Forming of Structural Alloys,
N.E. Paton and C.H. Hamilton, Ed., American
Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1982, p 85
B.M. Watts, M.J. Stowell, B.L. Baikie, and D.G.E. Owen, Met. Sci., Vol 10, 1976, p 189
A.J. Barnes, Paper presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers, Detroit, Feb 1984
A.K. Ghosh, Rockwell International Science Center, unpublished research, 1984
J. Wadsworth, The Development of Superplasticity in Aluminum-Lithium Base Alloys, in
Forming, S.P. Agrawal, Ed., American Society for Metals, 1985, p 43-57
N.E. Paton and C.H. Hamilton, U.S. Patent, 1978
C. Bampton, F. McQuilkin, and G. Stacher, Superplastic Forming Applications to Bomber Aircraft, in
Superplastic Forming, S.P. Agrawal, Ed., American Society for Metals, 1985, p 76-83
S.B. Carl
and C.M. Foster, "Aerostar Aluminum Driveshaft," Technical Paper 841697, Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1984