Niobium and tantalum alloys are usually formed at room temperature in the annealed (recrystallized) condition, although
the stress-relieved alloys are sufficiently ductile for most forming operations. Work hardening, especially of the stronger
alloys, often necessitates annealing after severe forming.
Strong alloys of niobium and tantalum, which are made in limited quantity, are not listed in Table 1. These alloys have
varying degrees of brittleness at low temperature, but can be formed by the same procedures used for molybdenum.
Molybdenum and tungsten are more difficult to form than niobium and tantalum, but if they are heated and certain
precautions are taken, even complex parts can be formed. The greatest difficulty in forming these metals is their tendency
toward brittle fracture (cracks and ruptures that occur with little or no plastic deformation) and delamination (a type of
brittle behavior that produces cracks or ruptures parallel to the plane of the sheet). Tungsten can be hot formed only; it is
brittle at room temperature.
At slow strain rates in tension and in bending, molybdenum and TZM alloys are ductile at room temperature, becoming
brittle at lower temperatures. However, because of the high variable strain rates and triaxial stresses produced in the usual
forming processes, these metals are usually hot formed in order to decrease the probability of brittle fracture.
Molybdenum and tungsten blanks must have prepared edges to prevent cracking and splitting during forming.
Molybdenum and tungsten are generally supplied in stress relieved condition. Recrystallization increases the ductile-to-
brittle transition temperature.
Effects of Composition on Embrittlement. Niobium and tantalum are severely embrittled by oxygen, nitrogen, and
hydrogen, even in minute amounts. However, the usual melting and processing techniques keep the metals pure enough
for good formability.
Some niobium alloys are more resistant to grain growth at high temperature than high-purity niobium. Alloys such as Nb-
1Zr and C-103 are high-strength materials that resist grain growth at high temperature. These alloys have fine grain
structure and elongate uniformly for forming and drawing operations.
Surface Contamination. The most common causes of surface contamination are failure to clean the surface properly
and failure to provide the proper atmosphere in heat treatment. Niobium and tantalum are usually acid pickled, and they
are heat treated in a vacuum or an inert gas atmosphere. Additional information on the heat treating of refractory metals is
available in the article "Heat Treating of Refractory Metals and Alloys" in Heat Treating, Volume 4 of the ASM
Generally, the high-strength alloys are more severely embrittled by surface contamination than the lower-strength alloys.
Molybdenum and tungsten are much less susceptible to surface contamination by oxygen and nitrogen than niobium and
Forming of Refractory Metals
Revised by Louis E. Huber, Jr., Cabot Corporation
Factors That Affect Mechanical Properties
The major variables that affect mechanical properties and formability are working temperature, temperature of anneals
between operations, percentage of reduction after the final anneal, and temperature of final heat treatment.
Rolling. Refractory metal sheet is generally made by hot forging or extruding billets to make sheet bars, which are rolled
to sheet at high temperature. The final rolling of niobium and tantalum alloys is done below 540 °C (1000 °F), often at
room temperature. The cold-worked sheet is given a final recrystallization anneal to improve formability and ductility.
The finish rolling of molybdenum and tungsten is done at high temperature, and final heat treatment is usually for stress