238 Distributions II
convolution operator is a differential operator (more precisely, a differential
operator applied to δ), there exist tools which are particularly ad apted to com-
puting its inverse, namely the Fourier and Laplace transforms (see Chapters 10
and 12). Infinitely many technical details for t he inversion of the laplacian
(with refinements th ereof) are given in the reference [24], which is somewhat
hard to read, however.
Solving a differential equation
with initial conditions
Most students in physics remember very well that the evolution of a system
is given by a differential equation, but forget that the real problem is to solve
this equation for given initial conditions. It is true th at, in the linear case,
these initial conditions are often used to pa rameterize families of solutions;
however, this is not a general rule.
The Cauchy problem (an equation or s ystem of differential equations,
with initial conditions) is often very difficult to solve, as every one of you
knows. Sometimes, it is very hard to s how that a solution exists (without even
speaking of computing it!), or to show that it is unique.
In the cases below, we have autonomous linear differential equations with
constant coefficients. The theoretical issues are therefore much simpler, and we
are just presenting a convenient computational method . Some cases w hich are
more complicated (and more useful in physics) will be presented on page 348.
8.4.a First order equations
Consider a differential equation of the type
˙u + αu = 0, (e)
where we only wish to know u(t) for positive values of t, and u : R
→ R is
a function satisfying t he initial condition
u(0) = u
∈ R.
It is possible to use the tools of the theory of distributions to solve this
equation with it s initial conditions.
The most spectacular counterexamples are given by chaotic systems.
For instance, the “old” problem of an electric charge in an electromagnetic field is only
partly solved [11]. The difficulty of this system is that it is described by highly nonlinear
equations whe re the charge i nfluences the fields, which in turn influence the charge. The
reader interested in these problems of mathematical physics can read [84 ].