ДНУ им. О.Гончара. Днепропетровск, Украина. Ст.преп. Теплова М.В.
Это презентация для мастеркласса по критическому мышлению, который
я провела на метод. конференции для преподавателей вузов, 2014, 25
This presentation consists of 25 slides covering Critical Thinking tools in application to teaching: definition, elements of reasoning, Bloom's taxonomy, characteristics of a critical thinker, ways to implement critical thiking in the classroom with some practical tips, as well as links to resources.
This presentation consists of 25 slides covering Critical Thinking tools in application to teaching: definition, elements of reasoning, Bloom's taxonomy, characteristics of a critical thinker, ways to implement critical thiking in the classroom with some practical tips, as well as links to resources.