152 Chapter IV. Gradientlike flows
We note that the flow under consideration is, by assumption, complete. We
continue to use the notation
'.t; x/ D '
.x/ D x t:
In view of Proposition IV.1 the flows of vector fields on compact manifolds are
complete and hence are examples of flows on compact metric spaces.
Limit sets and orbits of the continuous flow are defined as in the case of smooth
flows of vector fields. Again, the orbits of a continuous flow partition the space
such that each point M is contained in precisely one orbit. Indeed, if x t D y s
then it follows that .x t/ D .y s/ and so, in view of the group structure of
the flow, x .t C / D y .s C /. This holds true for all in R and consequently
the orbits O.x/ and O.y/ must coincide.
Definition. A rest point of the flow ' (or constant orbit,orcritical point) is a point
x 2 M satisfying
x t D x for all t 2 R:
The following observation is important for the understanding of a rest point of
a continuous flow. If x t
D x for a sequence of non-vanishing real numbers
j j 1g which converges to 0, then x t D x for all t 2 R, so that x is a rest
point of the flow. In order to prove this claim we first observe that, if t D nt
two integers n 2 Z and j , then x t D x in view of the group structure of the flow.
From this the claim follows, because the set fnt
j n 2 Z;j 2 Ng is dense in R
and the flow is continuous. If, for example, x t D x for t varying in an interval,
then x is a rest point of the flow.
Definition. We denote the set of rest points by
K ´fx 2 M j x is a rest point of the flow 'g:
The flow ' is called gradientlike, if there exists a continuous function V W M !
R, which decreases strictly along the non-constant orbits, i.e.,
V.x t/<V.x s/ for all t>s;and for all x … K:
Since M is compact, it follows by the arguments in Proposition IV.8,(ii) for
every point x 2 M that
xt ! !.x/; t !1;
xt ! !
.x/; t !1:
Arguing as in Theorem IV.10 we conclude that
!.x/ K and !
.x/ K;
and obtain the following result.