Chapter V
Hamiltonian vector fields and symplectic
Chapter V introduces the special class of Hamiltonian vector fields. They are deter-
mined by a single function called the Hamiltonian function and play an important
role in frictionless systems such as the N -body problem of celestial mechanics.
Hamiltonian vector fields are defined on symplectic manifolds. These manifolds
are even-dimensional carrying a distinguished 2-form which is closed and nonde-
generate and called a symplectic structure. In contrast to Riemannian structures
which do exist on every manifold, not every even-dimensional manifold admits a
symplectic structure. We shall see that symplectic manifolds of the same dimen-
sion are locally indistinguishable (Darboux’s theorem), again in sharp contrast to
Riemannian manifolds where the curvature is an example of a local invariant. The
flow maps generated by the Hamiltonian vector fields leave the Hamilton function
(energy conservation) and the symplectic 2-form invariant. They are examples of
symplectic mappings. The transformation theory of Hamiltonian vector fields, the
Hamiltonian formalism, is treated in detail in the Sections 7 and 8, where we make
use of the exterior differential calculus. It is recalled in the Sections 2–6 and is
presumably familiar to most of our readers. On energy surfaces the Hamiltonian
flow preserves a distinguished volume form (Liouville form), so that in the compact
situation the recurrence theorem of Poincaré and the ergodic theorem of Birkhoff
are applicable. For practical purposes it is good to know that a symplectic map can
be represented by a single function, called a generating function, as is explained in
Section 9. Finally, integrable systems are discussed in Section 10. These systems
are characterized by the property of possessing sufficiently many integrals such that
the task of solving the Hamiltonian equation for all times becomes essentially triv-
ial, as will be illustrated by the proof of the theorem of V. I. Arnold and R. Jost about
the existence of action and angle variables. Integrable systems are exceptionally
rare, but there are many natural systems close to integrable systems to which the
KAM perturbation theory is applicable.
V.1 Symplectic vector spaces
We begin with the symplectic linear algebra.
Definition. A symplectic vector space is a pair .V; !/ consisting of a finite dimen-
sional real vector space V and a bilinear form ! W V V ! R which is skew