IV.4. Gradient systems on manifolds and Morse theory 161
In view of cat.T
/ D 3, every function on the 2-torus must have at least three
critical points according to the Lusternik–Schnirelman theorem. The above exam-
ple represents therefore a minimal model having precisely three critical points. One
of the critical points (in our example the monkey saddle) is necessarily degener-
ate. Indeed, we shall see in the next section that the Morse theory guarantees at
least four critical points for functions on the 2-torus whose critical points are all
Literature. For a view of the state of the art in Lusternik–Schnirelman category
we point out the monograph [22] by O. Cornea, G. Lupton, J. Oprea and D. Taure.
The Lusternik–Schnirelman category is treated in books about nonlinear functional
analysis, as for example in [26] by K. Deimling and in [101] by J. Schwartz.
The Lusternik–Schnirelman theory on Banach manifolds is developed in [77]by
R. S. Palais.
IV.4 Gradient systems on manifolds and Morse theory
We finally describe the relation between the dynamics of gradient flows and the
topology of the underlying manifold. We assume M to be a (smooth) compact
manifold of dimension dim M D d (as for example a d -dimensional compact
submanifold of the R
). We choose a Riemann metric g on M , so that there exists
at every point x 2 M a scalar product g.x/ (symmetric and positively definite) in
the tangent space,
g.x/.; / μh; i;;2 T
The induced norm on the tangent space in x is defined by
g.x/.; / Dh; iμjj
;2 T
The scalar product depends differentiably on the base point x.
If V W M ! R is a function of class C
, its derivative dV .x/ at the point x 2 M ,
dV .x/W T
M ! R;
is a linear function. Hence there exists a unique vector rV.x/ 2 T
M satisfying
g.x/.rV.x/;/ D dV .x/ for all vectors 2 T
or in short,
hrV.x/;iDdV .x/; 2 T
The vector rV.x/ is called the gradient vector of the function V in x.Itdepends
on the choice of the metric. The vector field rV on M obtained this way is
differentiable. The flow of the equation
Px DrV.x/; x 2 M