290 | V. Field Theory and Collective Phenomena
An important application of quantum field theory at finite temperature is to cosmology:
The early universe may be described as a soup of elementary particles at some high
Hawking radiation
Hawking radiation from black holes is surely the most striking prediction of gravitational
physics of the last few decades. The notion of black holes goes all the way back to Michell
and Laplace, who noted that the escape velocity from a sufficiently massive object may
exceed the speed of light. Classically, things fall into black holes and that’s that. But with
quantum physics a black hole can in fact radiate like a black body at a characteristic
temperature T .
Remarkably, with what little we learned in chapter I.11 and here, we can actually
determine the black hole temperature. I hasten to add that a systematic development would
be quite involved and fraught with subtleties; indeed, entire books are devoted to this
subject. However, what we need to do is more or less clear. Starting with chapter I.11, we
would have to develop quantum field theory (for instance, that of a scalar field ϕ) in curved
spacetime, in particular in the presence of a black hole, and ask what a vacuum state (i.e.,
a state devoid of ϕ quanta) in the far past evolves into in the far future. We would find a
state filled with a thermal distribution of ϕ quanta. We will not do this here.
In hindsight, people have given numerous heuristic arguments for Hawking radiation.
Here is one. Let us look at the Schwarzschild solution (see chapter I.11)
1 −
1 −
− r
− r
At the horizon r = 2GM , the coefficients of dt
and dr
change sign, indicating that
time and space, and hence energy and momentum, are interchanged. Clearly, something
strange must occur. With quantum fluctuations, particle and antiparticle pairs are always
popping in and out of the vacuum, but normally, as we had discussed earlier, the uncer-
tainty principle limits the amount of time t the pairs can exist to ∼ 1/E. Near the black
hole horizon, the situation is different. A pair can fluctuate out of the vacuum right at the
horizon, with the particle just outside the horizon and the antiparticle just inside; heuris-
tically the Heisenberg restriction on t may be evaded since what is meant by energy
changes as we cross the horizon. The antiparticle falls in while the particle escapes to spa-
tial infinity. Of course, a hand-waving argument like this has to be backed up by detailed
If black holes do indeed radiate at a definite temperature T , and that is far from obvious
a priori, we can estimate T easily by dimensional analysis. From (9) we see that only the
combination GM , which evidently has the dimension of a length, can come in. Since T
has the dimension of mass, that is, length inverse, we can only have T ∝1/GM.
To determine T precisely, we resort to a rather slick argument. I warn you from the
outset that the argument will be slick and should be taken with a grain of salt. It is only
meant to whet your appetite for a more correct treatment.