Index | 567
of quantum electrodynamics, 61; on Dirac, 105;
metaphorical language of, 113; on path integral
formalism, 7–10; study of calculus by, 522; on
trace products of gamma matrices, 137; Yang-Mills
theory and, 371
Feynman diagrams: beginning of, 29, 30f; breaking
shackles of, 311; canonical formalism and, 43;
childish game generating, 53, 53f; connected
vs. disconnected, 29, 47; counterterms in, 175–
176, 176f; Cutkosky cutting rule for, 215–216,
217, 219; discovering, 43–51, 45f, 46f; dominance
of, 302; for electron scattering, 132–134, 133f,
134f, 135f; evaluating, 538–539; for fermion-
fermion scattering, 172, 172f; finite temperature,
289; function of, 50; imaginary part of, 207–219,
208f, 213f; limitations of, 67; loop, 45, 57–58,
57f, 58f, 181, 494; in momentum space, 54; new
approaches to, 483–486; orientation of, 54; path
integral formalism and, 44; in perturbation theory,
55, 56f; for photon scattering, 152, 153f, 155, 155f;
regularization of, alternative ways of, 166; relating
infinite sets of, 234–235; in spacetime, 54, 58, 213
Feynman gauge, 149
Feynman rules, 534–537; colored, 485, 491, 495;
discovery of, 60; for fermions, 128–131, 128f; in
nonabelian gauge theory, 536–537; in physical
perturbation theory, 175–176, 176f; for quantum
electrodynamics, derivation of, 144–150; in
random matrix theory, 397, 398f; for scalar field,
54–55, 534–535; in spontaneously broken gauge
theories, 266–267; for vector field, 129, 130f,
535–536; in Yang-Mills theory, 257, 257f, 494–495
field redefinition, 68–69, 218, 342
field renormalization, 175
field strength, construction of, 255–257
Fierz, M., 121
Fierz identities, 459
Fisher, Matthew P. A., 336n
Fisher, Michael, 293; and renormalization groups,
fixed point(s), strong coupling, 359
flux: fundamental unit of, 324; gauge potential and,
force: origin of, 29; particle and, 27–29. See also
specific force
forms: closed vs. exact, 247–248; geometric character
of, 250–251, 250f
fractional Hall effect, 323–324
fractional (anyon) statistics, 315; coupling to
gauge potential, 316–317; gauge boson and, 320;
misleading nature of term, 317; and quasiparticles,
freedom, degrees of, 37–38; canonical formalism
and, 67; Dirac equation and reduction in, 95; of
electron, 95, 99; gauge invariance as redundancy
in, 268; longitudinal, in massive gauge field, 264;
of photon, 186–187
free field theory (Gaussian theory), 21–23, 43; in
terms of Fourier transform, 26
Fujikawa, Kazuo, 278
gamma matrices, 94, 117, 538; products of, 95–
96; trace products of, evaluating, 136–137,
Gamow, George, 120n
“Gang of Four,” 366
gapless mode, 284; Bogoliubov calculation of, 284;
linearly dispersing, 284–285
gauge boson(s): and fractional statistics, 320; and
intermediate vector boson, 309; mass spectrum
of, 266
gauge fixing, 183
gauge invariance, 83n, 144, 475; of Chern-Simons
term, 328; and Dirac quantization of magnetic
charge, 248; discovery of, 144n; in lattice
gauge theory, 376; in nonabelian gauge theory,
preserving, 204; origin of, 183; proof of, 145–150,
203–204; as redundancy in degrees of freedom,
268; regularization respecting, 202–204; and
renormalizability, 411
gauge potential, 251; flux associated with, 334;
fractional statistics and, 316–317; in Hall fluid,
325–326, 329; nonabelian, 254, 255
gauge theory(ies): Faddeev-Popov quantization of,
183–185, 267; and fiber bundles, correspondence
between, 256; gravity, as, 436; lattice, 374–376;
recent developments in, 497–512; redundancy
in, 183–185, 189; S-matrix theory and, 498–
501; spontaneously broken, Feynman rules
for, 266–267; spontaneously broken, magnetic
monopoles in, 309; and superconductivity
theory, 296; symmetry breaking in, 263–265,
268, 296; unsatisfactory formulation of, 474,
497; vortex in, 307. See also nonabelian gauge
gauge transformation (local transformation), 187,
254; and general coordinate transformation,
Gauss-Bonnet theorem, 457, 459
Gaussian integration, 14, 523
Gaussian theory (free field theory), 21–23, 43; in
terms of Fourier transform, 26
Gell-Mann, Murray: and effective field theory, 460;
on quark color, 385; and seesaw mechanism, 426;
σ model of, 340–341; SU (3) of, 531; Yang-Mills
theory and, 371
Gell-Mann matrices, 265
general coordinate invariance, 36