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In any case, the bottom line is that string theory strongly hints that graviton ampli-
tudes can be expressed as products of Yang-Mills amplitudes, schematically M
× M
. The first reaction of many theoretical physicists when first told this
is puzzled skepticism. How is this possible, they ask quite reasonably, since Yang-Mills
contains an internal symmetry group while gravity doesn’t?
Now that we have learned to strip color, a connection between amplitudes no longer
strikes us as so implausible, particularly if we stick to on-shell scattering amplitudes for
gluons in specified polarization states M
, namely amplitudes that experimentalists
can measure, rather than amplitudes M
carrying Lorentz indices that theorists
using traditional methods play with. As we saw in the preceding chapter, the color stripped
tree-level on-shell helicity amplitude for gauge boson scattering boils down to the
and [
] products of two component spinors. We did not do the analogous calculation of
the tree-level on-shell helicity amplitude for graviton scattering, but we could anticipate
that the result would again be expressed in terms of the
and [
] products. The
spinor helicity formalism is intrinsic to the Lorentz group SO(3, 1), not tied to a specific
theory. In particular, the interaction vertices in Einstein gravity are again given in terms
of scalar products of momenta and polarization vectors. Quite suggestively, the graviton
polarization vectors can be written, as mentioned in appendix 1 to the preceding chapter,
, a product of the gauge theory polarization vectors.
Indeed, I have already given part of the mystery away in the preceding chapter. We saw
that the basic cubic interaction vertex of three gravitons (with complex momenta) is given
by the square of the corresponding quantity for three gluons.
In summary, thanks to our string theory friends, we now know that there exists a
secret structural connection between gravity and gauge theory that is totally opaque at
the Lagrangian level.
Deformed graviton polarizations
In this closing chapter, I give a brief introduction to the exciting quest for this secret
connection. I will be content to look at one specific calculation.
Go back to the BCFW recursion (chapter N.3). It would work for gravity if the com-
plexified scattering amplitude M(z) vanishes as z →∞. But naively, it would seem that
the situation for gravity is even worse than the situation for gauge theory, since the cubic
graviton vertex is quadratic in momentum and thus goes like z
. (Recall the two powers
of derivative in the scalar curvature; see chapter VIII.1.) Repeat the calculation in the pre-
ceding chapter for n-graviton on shell scattering. Go back to figure N.3.2 and interpret the
lines as gravitons. The (n − 2) cubic vertices give a factor of z
for large z, easily over-
whelming the factor of 1/z
from the (n − 3) propagators. This nasty behavior occurs
even before we include the polarization of the two hard gravitons.
The graviton carries helicity ±2 (appendix 2 of chapter VIII.1) and hence a polarization
, given by a symmetric and traceless tensor. We can naturally construct