800 М. Ямпольский. Физиология символического
figures to nothing. The new revolutionary space is exactly the void
of an expanding subjectivity that loses itself in a self-imposed
The theatricalization of the political takes place in the 17
By the end of the 18
century, under the direct influence of Rousseau,
this theatrical space was no more a space of a court theater, but rather
a space of ancient festivals transcending all distinctions between actors
and spectators. Rousseau was eager to preserve a public space, but
he wanted to eliminate from it all mimetic element that he considered
as a greedy expansion of the Self. He even related this mimetic
expansion to wars. The equalization of all participants was, according
to him, one of the ways to repress social mimicry. There is no need
of imitation between the equals. Equality could however be
established only among "natural" individuals, united in their
universality. German Bildung (for instance in Humboldt) was the
same way toward universality able to repress mimicry grounded in
the accidental, non-essential. Universality, which in previous times
was considered as a property of a sovereign, is now prescribed to all
members of society. Rousseau defines the universal as primarily non-
rational. Rational conceptual universality emerges only with the loss
of a natural equality. The only imitation that is familiar to a "natural
man" is an imitation of Nature, which is a depositary of all possible
abstractions but in an embodied form. Social contract becomes
possible, according to Rousseau, thanks to a similarity between equal
members of society whose individuality was purified, effaced and
whose natural, essential core was discovered in this purification.
Schelling later was talking about "unchangeable Self' that participates
in the contract. The magical moment of conclusion of a social contract
is a moment of dissolution of individuals in a totality. Similarly a
mimetic moment in acting is also a moment of loss of a Self, but
this loss of a Self, which is experienced by any actor, leads to a
mimetic transformation of oneself into another. Rousseau defined
this situation as a "loss of a Man" Social contract is possible only
when social mimicry and theatrical imitation are replaced by a circle
of a mutual imitation of equal and similar natural men. In this Utopian
situation everybody sees in everybody only the manifestation of
universality. This imitation without difference is a strange theater of
social contract in which society is created as a non-contradictory
totality. Popular festivals serve as models to this ideal mimicry, here
everybody is equal to everybody. During such festivals nature informs
society by an equality proper to it. Rousseau based his vision of
society on the concept of "general will" elaborated by Malebranche.
For Malebranche "general will" is a principle of a divine manifestation
in nature that is necessary to support virtues. Rousseau "relocates this
concept from nature to society. The new social theater is admissible
for Rousseau only if it follows the model of nature, i. e. only if the
center of a mimetic space remains unoccupied. Instead of a sovereign
body in the center it unfolds around a non-mimetic emptiness, in