54 Chapter 3 Graphene
full periodic potential is replaced by a weak perturbing potential and Schrödinger’s
equation is solved by employing standard perturbation techniques in quantum
mechanics. This model yields solutions in terms of modulated plane waves
( ∼ u(r)e
), and the associated energy bands often have a parabolic struc-
ture. This model has been shown to be useful in describing the band structure of
some metals.
The other limiting technique, called the tight-binding model, inherently assumes
that the outermost electrons are to a large extent localized (i.e. tightly bound) to
their respective atomic cores and, hence, described by their atomic orbitals with
discrete energy levels. However, because the atoms are not isolated but exist in
an ordered solid, the orbitals of identical electrons in neighboring atoms in a
solid with N unit cells will overlap, with the major consequence that the N dis-
crete energy levels will inevitably broaden into quasi-continuous energy bands
with N states/band owing to Pauli’s exclusion principle. The overlap of wave-
functions by and large renders inaccurate the use of atomic orbitals in describing
electrons in a solid. Nonetheless, for the special case of a very small overlap,
one might still be able to use the tight-binding model to obtain an approximate
analytical band structure that we hope will be in good agreement with experi-
mental measurements or more sophisticated numerical ab-initio band structure
We have to choose between these two models in order to develop an analyt-
ical electronic band structure. For the particular case of graphene, a variety of
arguments can be proposed (mostly based on experience, because band structure
calculation is as much an art as it is science) to support the choice of a particular
model. Fortunately, we know from chemistry that graphene can be considered a
large carbon molecule and, as such, a first guess might be to employ standard quan-
tum chemistry techniques such as linear combination of atomic orbitals (which we
have been calling tight binding) for deriving molecular band structures. Further-
more, visual inspection of the ab-initio computations (Figure 3.6), particularly
around the Fermi energy (E
, the energy at 0 eV),
shows a linear dispersion,
suggesting that perhaps a nearly-free electron model might not be our first choice,
since that would require a large number of plane waves. If the dispersion had
been parabolic-like, a nearly-free electron model might arguably be a more attrac-
tive initial choice. Accordingly, we chose the tight-binding model. How well the
tight-binding model agrees with ab-initio computations or experimental data is the
ultimate judge of whether the chosen model is indeed useful. We will now proceed
to dive into the detailed mathematics and derive the tight-binding band structure
of graphene.
The most mobile electrons are at the Fermi energy. We will use E
= 0 eV casually for now until
later, at the end of this section, when a formal definition is presented to identify its location in the
band structure of graphene.