20 Chapter 2 Electrons in solids: a basic introduction
References will be provided along the way for readers that would enjoy a more
detailed coverage of the basic concepts. Readers already familiar with the physics
concepts and techniques are invited to advance to the next chapter.
2.2 Quantum mechanics of electrons in solids
Understanding how electrons behave in a solid is central to the development of
any solid-state electronic device. This understanding is what makes it possible to
control electrons by external forces and to obtain interesting characteristics. To
guide our intuition we will first review how electrons behave in free space and
how their behavior changes when they are in a solid. By behavior we are mostly
interested in their most fundamental properties, which are their wavevector and
energy. Together these two properties give us an idea of how free or excited the
electrons are behaving. The more excited they are, the easier it will be to control
them. Energy and wavevector are actually related, and this relationship is com-
monly called the dispersion or band structure. It is not an overstatement to assert
that the dispersion is the most important and central characteristic that describes
the behavior of electrons in a crystalline solid. Indeed, it is the dispersion or band
structure that we seek to derive and understand in this chapter, and subsequently
It is worthwhile noting that there are a gazillion
electrons present in typical
solids. For example, there exist on the order of 10
if we consider
only the valence electrons in bulk metals. How can we accurately describe the
behavior of all these electrons in a solid? The simple answer is that we cannot
describe them all, at least not exactly. However, if the electrons have negligi-
ble or no interaction with each other, than the problem reduces to the case of
describing the behavior of one electron, which is by far a much simpler problem.
This is technically called the one-electron or independent electron approxima-
tion. Fortunately, this approximation is accurate in understanding the behavior of
electrons in the majority of solids of interest operating at room temperature. The
independent electron is an underlying approximation employed in all the electron
models developed in thischapter andin the entire textbook, unlessnoted otherwise.
Figure 2.1 illustrates several one electron models in order of increasing complex-
will explore the tight-binding model for the development of the band structure of
Since the electrons will be treated as waves, Schrödinger’s equation in its most
basic form will be employed to solve for their properties. For this purpose, we
assume the reader has at least a basic exposure to quantum mechanics at the level
Think of a very, very large number whose precise value is unnecessary to specify at this moment.