32 Chapter 2 Electrons in solids: a basic introduction
parameters are often determined in practice by fitting the algebraic equation to
experimental data or extracted directly from ab-initio
We have discussed the Kronig–Penney model of electrons in a periodic potential
quite extensively; on the other hand, we have yet to address why bandgaps exist
in the first place. It is not at all instantly obvious why bandgaps should exist.
However, when we view the electrons strictly as waves, then wave principles,
such as reflections, are applicable. It is the reflections of electron waves from the
potential wall that lead to bandgaps. And, analogous to electromagnetic waves,
these reflections are an integral multiple of wavelength, and that is why we observe
the bandgaps occurring at kα =±nπ. In solid-state physics, these reflections are
called Bragg reflections.
2.7 Basic crystal structure of solids
In the previous section we gained much insight into how electrons behave in a
crystalline solid (a solid with a periodic potential). The Kronig–Penney model, for
instance, is not only of great educational value, but its dispersion is often also used
to fit the actual dispersion of many bulk solids. Nonetheless, the Kronig–Penney
model is inherently limited because it is a general model that does not take into
account the specific lattice arrangement of a particular solid of interest. For exam-
ple, if we desire to determine the band structure of nanotubes and nanoribbons, the
Kronig–Penney model is utterly inadequate in providing basic information such
as the bandgap dependency on the diameter of these nanostructures.
In order to make any further progress in determining the specific band structure
of a particular solid, we would need to understand the crystal structure of that
particular solid. To underscore the importance of the crystal structure, it would
be fair to state that it is at the core of modern solid-state physics. The crystal
structure can be viewed in two domains similar to how a coin has two views. One
domain is in position (sometimes called direct) space and the other domain is in
reciprocal space. We will start by discussing the lattice arrangement in position
space, subsequently followed by a corresponding discussion in reciprocal space.
Our focus here will be on discussion of the crystal structure that is relevant to this
text, namely for the development of two-dimensional (2D) or reduced-dimensional
solids (graphene and CNTs). As such, the spotlight will be on lattices in 2D space.
For a more general coverage of crystal structures, the reader will find a general
solid-state textbook very informative.
Ab initio is a Latin term that means from first principles or from the beginning. In science, it refers
to a thorough calculation that starts directly from accepted laws (such as Schrondinger’s equation)
and does not use empirical data or fitting in the calculation.
For an introductory graduate-level coverage see C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th
edition (Wiley, 2004). For more advanced studies, consider the classic text N. W. Ashcroft and
N. D. Mermin, Solid State Physics (Brooks/Cole, 1976).