250 Index
field emission, 238
filament, 244
flatband voltage, 204, 214
flexible substrates, 240
Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, 239
Geim, Andre, 12
graphene nanoribbons, 67
graphene symmetry points, 89
greatest common divisor, 80
group velocity, 182
Hamiltonian, 22, 52, 57
hybridization, 48, 97
hydrogen storage, 242
Iijima, Sumio, 10, 11, 73
independent electron approximation,
20, 158
iron carbide, 6
kajal, 3
kinetic inductance, 128, 149, 178
Kronig–Penney model, 26, 32
Landauer’s formula, 132
Landauer-Büttiker formalism, 217
laser ablation synthesis, 16
lattice basis, 33, 34, 38
lattice constant, 36
linear combination of atomic orbitals, 54
Luttinger liquid, 179
massless particles, 63
Matthiessen’s rule, 164
mean free path, 132, 133, 163, 194
nano-electromechanical systems, 237
nanoelectronics, 19
nanofibers, 4
nanotechnology, 19
nanotube radio, 238
nanotweezers, 238
nearest neighbor tight-binding model,
58, 88
nearest neighbors, 35, 50, 58, 60
non-equilibrium Green’s function, 228
orbitals, 47
organic chemistry, 234
organic semiconductor, 240
overlap energy, 60
overlap integral, 62
periodic boundary conditions, 27, 45, 53,
56, 83
acoustic phonon scattering, 170
acoustic phonons, 160, 162, 165, 201
critical optical phonon energy, 166, 223
density of states, 159
drain optical phonon scattering, 207
electron–phonon scattering, 161
optical phonon absorption, 162, 166
optical phonon emission, 162, 166
optical phonons, 161
phonon definition, 158, 159
zone-boundary phonons, 161
zone-center phonons, 161
Planck, Max, 151
primitive unit cell, 37, 38
primitive vectors, 36, 38, 76
printing techniques, flexible electronics,
propagation constant, 180
quantum capacitance, 128, 139, 147, 152, 179
quantum capacitance limit, 197
quantum conductance, 128, 152
quantum confinement, 68, 70
quantum mechanics, 19
quantum point contact, 132
quantum resistance, 169
quasi-metallic nanotubes, 96
Raman spectroscopy, 16
random distribution of CNTs, 88
reciprocal lattice, 38, 51
reciprocal space, 32
saturation current, metallic CNT, 172, 173
scanning electron microscope, 16
scanning tunneling microscope, 17, 236
Schottky barrier, 194,214
Schottky barrier,
Schrödinger equation, 20, 21, 27, 31, 52, 54, 55
sigma electrons, 96
solid state physics, 19
space elevator, 244
special relativity, 63
supercapacitors, 244
surface potential, 140, 195
surface to volume ratio, 233
thermal broadening function, 140
tight-binding model, 20, 31, 54, 55