194 Chapter 8 Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
the semiconducting nanotube extension regions into quasi-metallic conductors in
order to provide a low-resistance path between the channel and the metal contacts.
This conversion is achieved by applying a sufficiently high back-gate voltage
which creates a vertical electric field and induces excess electrons or holes in the
CNT extension regions, a technique otherwise known as electrostatic doping. The
CNFET device in Figure 8.1c is similar to that of Figure 8.1b, with chemical dop-
ing of the CNT extension regions instead of electrostatic doping. Figure 8.1dis
an illustration of a self-aligned top-gated CNFET. It is referred to as self-aligned
because, during fabrication, the gate metal is deposited first and subsequently used
to align the source/drain metals, resulting in zero horizontal gap (or no extension
regions) between the gate and the source/drain contacts. The self-alignment can be
achieved in practice by exploiting the native oxide,
which forms on the surface of
many metals when exposed to air or oxygen. For example, aluminum easily forms
a native aluminum oxide (Al
). This native oxide around the gate metal is the
enabling technique in obtaining self-alignment while providing electrical isolation
between the gate and source/drain metals. Even though the CNFET devices shown
in Figure 8.1 are supported by an SiO
/Si substrate, it is entirely possible to employ
a different substrate (for example, quartz or flexible substrates). The choice of sil-
icon substrates is in part due to the advantages and convenience of leveraging the
mainstream fabrication infrastructure that has been developed around bulk silicon.
Similarly, the types of free carrier in the CNFET devices can be either holes (p++)
or electrons (n++). A silicon substrate serving as a back-gate is often doped with
holes because a lower substrate resistance can be achieved.
In general, charge transport in a CNFET can be categorized into four regimes
regardless of the specificdevice geometry.The four transport regimes areidentified
in Table 8.1. They are determined by the length of the nanotube compared with
their mean free path l
and by the type of contact the nanotube makes with the
source/drain metals. For example, an ohmic-contact ballistic CNFET refers to
the case where charge injection from the S/D contacts into the CNT and vice
versa is ohmic in nature (i.e. a simple resistance), and the charges travel through
the nanotube channel without experiencing scattering. Conversely, a Schottky-
barrier diffusive CNFET refers to a device where charges experience a Schottky
barrier at the S/D nanotube junction, and charge transport through the nanotube
channel suffers from repeated scattering. Charge can refer equally to electrons
and/or holes. If electrons are the majority charge carriers, then the CNFET is an
n-type transistor; and if holes are the majority carriers, then the CNFET is a p-type
transistor. Quite intriguingly (and often undesired), it is also fairly easy to observe
the so-called ambipolar behavior in CNFETs, where electrons are the majority
A thin oxide, of the order of 1 nm, readily forms on the surface of many metals through the process
of oxidation in the presence of air or oxygen. This natural thin oxide is what is called the native