214 Chapter 8 Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
transparent to charge carriers. Moreover, routine fabrication process conditions
appear to conspire to favor Schottky barriers more often than not.
As a result, it
is important to understand the device physics and I −V characteristics of Schottky-
barrier CNFETs. A welcome bonus from this endeavor is that the understanding
gained deeply broadens our intuition about Schottky-barrier nanoscale transistors
in general, including CNR transistorsand semiconductor nanowire transistors.And
in fact, understanding of Schottky-barrier device physics is necessary to under-
stand (undesired) leakage current and the implications for ON/OFF current ratio
in (metal) ohmic-contact ballistic CNFETs and similar 1D ballistic FETs, as will
become evident in the course of the narrative.
The presence of Schottky barriers introduces substantial complexity in describ-
ing charge transport in the nanotube transistor owing to the inherently rich device
physics. As such, it is quite easy to get lost or lose focus of the central device
physics. This is especially true for the beginning student reader in this subject
matter. For this reason, the discussion will be more of a gentle and simple intro-
duction to Schottky-barrier nanotube transistors, with primary coverage of the
basic transistor physics and the current–voltage characteristics. References will be
provided along the way for advanced studies.
We begin our studies of Schottky-barrier CNFETs by exploring the bias-
dependent band diagrams in order to obtain basic qualitative insight about charge
transport. The use of band diagrams is essential in understanding and discussing
charge dynamics in these transistors. For convenience, we focus our attention on an
n-type transistor operation in the ballistic regime with a mid-gap Schottky barrier
and zero flatband voltage,
conditions which are much easier to handle analyti-
cally and still provide us with the wealth of basic insights that are usually valid
and can be adapted to explain charge transport under general conditions.
Figure 8.11 illustrates the band diagrams under different bias conditions, where
the primary role of the gate voltage is to modulate the barrier thickness for electron
tunneling, and the role of the (positive) drain voltage is to rigidly lower the barrier
height at the drain electrode. The basic ideas regarding ballistic transport in ohmic-
contact CNFETs apply here with the additional effects of quantum mechanical tun-
neling that must be properly accounted for. In a sense, the transistor can be consid-
ered as two Schottky barriers connected by a field-free region in the channel of the
nanotube.We considerlow-energy transport, whichincludes only the firstsubband.
Different bias conditions applied to the transistor can produce a diversity of
charge transport phenomena, including source and drain electron tunneling in the
Indeed, a search of published experimental nanotube transistors in one’s favorite journals will
unambiguously show that the vast majority (but not all) of CNFETs fabricated under different
permutations of metal contacts, process conditions, and nanotube diameters produce
Schottky-barrier CNFETs. Intuitively, metal workfunction and process and ambient conditions all
play a role, but the degree of their influence in experimental devices remains unclear.
In optimized device designs, the gate metal (and associated workfunction) is carefully selected to
set the flatband voltage and, hence, the threshold voltage. The metal contacts are also chosen
diligently to control the Schottky-barrier height.