8.9 Unipolar CNFETs 223
required to produce the necessary flatband voltage that shifts the I−V curve to
the left such that the minimum current is ideally at V
= 0 V. For completeness,
we note that decreasing the bandgap for a fixed V
or increasing V
(or the drain
power supply) for a fixed bandgap results in appreciably greater increase in the
minimum current than in the ON current; consequently, the ON/OFF current ratio
is significantly compromised.
To sum up, the non-trivial challenges in obtaining
suitable transistor characteristics over a moderate range of biases calls for great
care in optimizing the CNFET for maximum performance, and also motivates
the development of unipolar CNFET transistors, which are discussed in the next
As a final note, all along, ballistic transport has been assumed without explicit
discussion of the appropriate mean free path. Does the mean free path due to
acoustic phonons (l
∼ 1 µm) apply? Or is the much shorter optical phonon mean
free path (l
∼ 10 nm) the dominant length scale for Schottky-barrier CNFETs?A
close inspection of Figure 8.11 or Figure 8.12 shows that a non-negligible number
of the tunneling charge carriers are high-energy electrons, especially for those
close to the top of the barrier, where the transmission probabilities are approaching
unity. It is reasonable to expect that these electrons will have energies above the
critical optical phonon energy E
∼ 0.16 eV (as discussed in Chapter 7) and are
susceptible to optical phonon scattering. Therefore, the effective mean free path
will be a carrier-weighted average of the acoustic phonon mean free path (due to
low-energy electrons) and the optical phonon mean free path (due to high-energy
electrons). Because the average is always smaller than the longest of the mean free
paths, we can conclude that the effective mean free path will be shorter than l
(compared with CNFETs with ohmic contacts, where l
applies). For this reason,
the channel length of Schottky-barrier ballistic CNFETs should certainly be much
less than l
(more so than for ballistic CNFETs with ohmic contacts), and might
have to be closer to l
in the ON state, where an increasing fraction of the current
is due to high-energy electrons. Even then, much of the device physics elucidated
is relevant if scattering effects are considered.
8.9 Unipolar CNFETs
There is great interest in minimizing or suppressing the drain-induced leakage
current in the transistor OFF state noticeable in ambipolar-type CNFETs, includ-
ing both the Schottky barrier and the metal ohmic-contact versions. The reason
is quite obvious: substantial OFF currents leads to unacceptable (useless) power
consumption, which is one of the primary concerns for nanoscale technology. One
M. Radosavljevi
c, S. Heinze, J. Tersoff and Ph. Avouris, Drain voltage scaling in carbon nanotube
transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 83 (2003) 2435–7.