7.2 Electron scattering and lattice vibrations 159
Given the abundance of scattering possibilities, it is indeed quite remarkable that
ballistic transport in CNTs is observable at room temperature for nanotube lengths
of about 1 µm. To maintain a tractable discussion about scattering, it is useful to
classify the scattering processes as either intrinsic or extrinsic scattering, where
intrinsic scattering arises from processes inherent to the nanotube and extrinsic
scattering refers to external disturbances that lead to electron scattering. We note
that the first three enumerated processes are intrinsic, while the rest are extrinsic.
Currently, the theory and understanding of extrinsic scattering pertaining to CNTs
is in its infancy. Additionally, for metallic CNTs on high-quality substrates, a
variety of experimental results suggest that electron scattering is limited by intrinsic
scattering processes. For these reasons, we will focus on the intrinsic sources of
scattering, mostly discussing lattice vibrations and, to a much lesser extent, CNT
lattice defects.
We briefly mentioned earlier that lattice vibrations are due to the displacement
of the carbon atoms from their nominal position. These displacements propagate
along the length of the solid as a quantized wave or phonon with a finite velocity,
albeit much slower than the electron velocity. In general, there are many types of
vibration that can propagate in a solid. Each distinct type of vibration is known as a
mode. For example, CNTs can have several dozen allowed modes. Some selected
CNT lattice vibrations are shown in Figure 7.1, with their corresponding desig-
nated names. For the reader with little or no familiarity about phonons, it is most
convenient to consider phonons at a high-level abstraction instead of focusing on
the specific details of lattice vibrations. In this sense, phonons can be understood
and described in much the same way as electrons, although without the charge.
That is, phonons are particle-waves that propagate through the lattice character-
ized by an energy (or frequency)–wavevector dispersion relation. Additionally, we
know that the number of electrons can be determined from the electron DOS and
the probability of occupation (Fermi–Dirac distribution). Likewise, the number
of phonons at any given temperature can also be determined from the phonon
DOS and the corresponding probability of occupation, which is governed by the
Bose–Einstein distribution.
While electrons are responsible for charge transport,
phonons are mostly responsible for heat transport in CNTs.
The phonon dispersion in CNTs is fairly complicated and mathematically
involved. Fortunately, our interest here is to obtain a basic idea of the properties
of phonons, and appreciate the important consequence that the interaction of elec-
trons and phonons can lead to scattering which manifests electrically in the form
of resistance. Figure 7.2 shows the phonon dispersion of a metallic CNT to give an
Fermi–Dirac distribution applies to quantum particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons,
while Bose–Einstein distribution applies to quantum particles with integer spin, such as phonons
and photons.
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