132 Chapter 6 Ideal quantum electrical properties
voltage drop inside the channel indeed vanishes to zero consistent with the band
diagram in Figure 6.1, where the bands are flat within the channel.
The ballistic condition, which reveals a length-independent conductance, applies
when the device or nanomaterial dimensions are much less than the mean free
of electron transport. There are a variety of scattering mechanisms that
determine the mean free path, which will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
In the meantime, we can reach a broad conclusion that, in a narrow device with
a length l l
, electrons will experience frequent scattering with the lattice,
yielding a more general expression for the quantum conductance:
T , (6.11)
where T can be considered the transmission coefficient or probability of electrons
propagating through the channel without scattering and satisfies the condition
0 < T < 1. T = 1 is the ballistic condition. Equation (6.11) is widely known as
Landauer’s formula after Rolf Landauer, who pioneered the development of the
Scaling from one to three dimensions, the number of modes increases
by several orders of magnitude, resulting in a vanishingly small resistance. In
any dimension, inclusion of the effects of electron scattering by the lattice leads
to a resistance that depends on the length of the conductor and the recovery of
Ohm’s law.
Additional insights regarding the quantum conductance
Let us return to the ballistic limit and focus on N
for the moment to gain further
understanding.As mentioned earlier, N
(E) is the number of degenerate subbands
at energy E, sometimes called the number of propagating channels or modes. It
is worthwhile noting that N
is the only variable in the quantum conductance
representing the material, temperature, and field dependence. For the lowest sub-
band in metallic CNTs, N
= 2, resulting in R
≈ 6.45 k. In principle, the
discrete nature of the quantum conductance is observable at very low tempera-
tures (T → 0K) by populating subbands one at a time with an external voltage.
An experimental graph of the discrete step-like nature of the quantum conductance
observed in a novel three-terminal device known as a quantum point contact is
shown in Figure 6.2.As temperature increases from 0 K, the steps become increas-
ingly blurred because the exponential tail of the Fermi–Dirac distribution includes
otherwise higher subbands, leading to a continuum of the quantum conductance
as a function of applied voltage.
The mean free path is the average distance electrons travel in a conductor before experiencing a
collision or scattering event.
Y. Imry and R. Landauer, Conductance viewed as transmission. Rev. Mod. Phys., 21 (1999)