114 Chapter 5 Carbon nanotube equilibrium properties
bottom and top of subbands that possess curvature. Moreover, between VHSs, the
DOS will exhibit the inverse square-root dependence g(E) ∼ 1/
Although the DOS for chiral nanotubes can be solved numerically, there exists
a need for a simple analytical expression that would benefit essential applications,
such as compact modeling of CNT devices and CNT sensor and circuit design.
To that end, we might be able to extend the basic insight that the bandgaps of
CNTs are primarily diameter dependent with negligible chirality dependence for
zigzag nanotube as a model CNT, deriving its bandgap and expressing it in terms
of diameter, which revealed an E
∼ 1/d
relation that applies equally well to
arbitrary (n, m) chiral indices for (n, m)>(7, 0). Similarly, to obtain a simple
analytical expression for the DOS of chiral CNTs, a logical idea is to start with
the analytical DOS for zigzag nanotubes, rewrite it as a function of diameter, and
see how well it describes the numerically computed DOS for chiral nanotubes of
similar diameters. In essence, we desire to replace the chirality dependence with
diameter dependence for the DOS for zigzag CNTs and hope that the diameter-
dependent DOS will be accurate for describing the DOS for arbitrary diameter (or
arbitrary chirality) nanotubes. Before investing the effort to develop an analytical
DOS for chiral CNTs, we can actually evaluate if our main idea will work. The
focus here will be on semiconducting nanotubes, because it has previously been
discussed that metallic nanotubes have a constant DOS independent of chirality
and diameter at the Fermi energy, which is the energy of main interest for metallic
or interconnect applications. Table 5.1 shows selected zigzag CNTs with diameters
that span the practical range from ∼1to∼3 nm, and chiral CNTs with the closest
comparable diameters to the zigzag nanotubes.
A comparison between the DOSs of the selected zigzag nanotubes and chiral
nanotubes of similar diametersis presentedin Figure 5.5,showing a strong likeness
up until approximately the bottom of the third subband. This implies that the DOS
for semiconducting zigzag CNTs can be used as a basis for developing a simple
analytical expression for the DOS for chiral nanotubes of comparable diameters
for the most important (lowest) subbands. The zigzag DOS (Eq. (5.19)) is
(E, j) ≈
− E
, (5.42)
which we will now refer to as a diameter-dependent g
(E) to symbolize a universal
DOS, an idea that was first espoused and discussed in the literature by Mintmire
and White.
The energies of the VHS can be expressed explicitly in terms of the
diameter by employing Eq. (5.11) and Eq. (5.12) and the d
= an/π relation for
J. W. Mintmire and C. T. White, Universal density of states for carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
81 (1998) 2506–9.