A spatio_temporal_extent may be a member_of one or
more class_of_spatio_temporal_extent,whichinturnmaybea
member_of one or more class_of_class_of_spatio_temporal_
extent. In later diagrams I do not make explicit subtypes of
class_of_class_of_spatio_temporal_extent, but this diagram
makes them available. A class_of_spatio_temporal_extent may
have one or more part__of_by_class relationships to another
class_of_spatio_temporal_extent where a member_of one has a
member_of the other as a part.
Aggregation is a relationship between one spatio_temporal_
extent and another where the whole is the mereological sum of the
parts; that is, the whole is precisely the sum of the parts. A compo-
sition is an aggregation where the parts are composed in such a
way that the whole is more than just the sum of the parts; that is,
there are emergent properties. A temporal_composition is a
composition where the part is a temporal part of the whole.
Some of these relationships are repeated as EXPRESS relation-
ship types for convenience and further use: aggregated_into
means the same as aggregation, part__of and its inverse
consists__of are the same as composition,andtemporal__part_of
is the same as temporal_composition.
17.4.1 Aggregation
A relationship where the whole is at least the sum of the parts.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY aggregation
SUBTYPE OF(relationship);
whole :spatio_temporal_extent;
part :spatio_temporal_extent;
Attribute definitions:
whole A
relationship type where an aggregation has exactly
one spatio_temporal_extent as the whole.
part A relationship type where an aggregation has exactly
one spatio_temporal_extent as the part.
17.4.2 Class_of_class_of_spatio_temporal_extent
A class_of_class that is class_of_sp atio_temporal_extent or
any of its subse ts.
212 Chapter 17 HQDM_FRAMEWORK