one event; that is, it brings about change in the world. An acti-
vity can also reference things that are not participants—for
example, a conversation between two pe ople may refer to
Winston Churchill. An activity can also determine that some-
thing is the case, for example by taking a measurement, or vali-
dating the existence of some individual.Finally,anactivity is a
member_of at least one kind_of_activity and may be a member_
of one or more class_of_activity.
A state_of_activity is an activity or a temporal_part_of an
activity; for example, a football match has a first half and
a second half. A state_of_activity may be a member_of a
17.14.1 Activity
An individual that consi sts of its participants and causes
some event.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY activity
SUBTYPE OF(individual, state_of_activity);
references :OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF thing;
determines :OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF thing;
causes :SET [1:?] OF event;
member_of :OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF
part_of :OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF activity;
member_of_kind :SET [1:?] OF kind_of_activity;
consists_of :SET OF activity FOR part_of;
consists_of_participant :SET [1:?] OF participant FOR
Attribute definitions:
references A
relationship type where an activity
may reference one or more thing.
determines A relationship type where an activity
may determine one or more thing to be
the case.
causes A relationship type wh ere each activity
is the cause of one or more event.
244 Chapter 17 HQDM_FRAMEWORK