Attribute definitions:
member__of A
relationship type where a thing may be a
member of one or more class.
Note: This relationship type is the same as the
entity type classification.
17.2 Class and Class of Class
A class is a set whose membership does not change.
However, this does not mean that the members we know about
do not change. If one class has different membership from
another, then they are different. If one class has the same mem-
bership as another, then they are the same.
I have shown the classificati on and specialization relation-
ships in Figure 17-2 as entity types. classification is also shown
in Figure 17-1 as the relationship type member__of and special-
ization is also shown as the relationship type has_superclass in
Figure 17-2. The only difference is that when represented by an
entity type, the relationship can itself have attributes and
relationships.Aclassification relationship has a thing as
member and a class as classifier.Aspecialization relationship
has a superclass and a subclass, where each member__o f
the subclass is a member__of the superclass. This relation-
ship has the same meaning as the thick black lines on the
diagram. The difference is that this relationship holds
between members of entity types instead of the entity types
themselves. As such, it is part of the metamodel that supports
extensibility in data of what m ight otherwise be presented in
the data model.
An enumerated_class is a class where the total membership
is known. This is useful if you actually wish to perform set
operations, since they will only be valid for such a class. The
other subtype tree shows class_of_spatio_temporal_extent and
class_of_abstract_object as the immediate subtypes of class.It
also shows them as mutually exclusive. In turn class_of_class
and class_of_relationship are subt ypes of class_of_class.
A class may be a member_of a class_of_class.
17.2.1 Class
An abstract_object that has members and whose identity is
defined by its membership.
204 Chapter 17 HQDM_FRAMEWORK