A physical_quantity has a quantification mapping to a num-
ber that is a member_of a particular scale, and that number has
an identification by, for example, some data type such as a
REAL. I have combined the quantification, number, and identi-
fication into identification_of_physical_quantity.Ascale may
have not more than one unit_of_measure.Anidentification_
of_physical_quantity represents exactly one physical_quantity.
An identification_of _physical_quantity is an identification that
uses exactly one scale and has exactly one value that is a REAL.
The value relationship type is a renaming of the consists_of_by_
class relationship type. Section 13.9 in the following chapter
will deal with representation in more detail.
12.7 Kinds
A class_of_in dividual can be any set of individuals. Some
sets are particularly interesting because all the members are of
the same kind; that is, a class of individuals or objects distin-
guished by attributes possessed in common, and they contain
all the members of the kind. A kind can also be contrasted with
a physical_property, being a member_of a kind is true for
individuals—that is, the whole of the life of something—
whereas being a member_of a property may change, and this is
also true of states. Figure 12-12 illustrates this with some differ-
ent class_of_individual, so car and dog are kinds of individual,
whereas ??? is a class_of_individual that is some combination
of dogs and cars. So what we can see from this is that some
class_of_individual is a kind_of_individual .
This is translated into a data model in Figure 12-13.
A kind_of_individual is a class_of_individual where all the
Figure 12-12 A Venn diagram
illustrating kinds vs. sets.
148 Chapter 12 CLASSES