paperweight. So he or she picks it up, takes it home, and uses it
as such. At what point did it stop being simpl y a stone on a
beach and become a paperweight? That is, when did the paper-
weight, which is a state of the sto ne, start? In this case it is actu-
ally the act of deciding it was a paperweight that m ade it one. So
a state of a stone is a paperweight because someone (anyone)
said so, and while they said so. There are, however, limits to the
power of will. If I decide that the Empire State Building would
make a nice paperweight, it does not become one simply by my
act of will, so the object needs to be fit for purpose as well.
Although the stone becoming a paperweight is a simple act
of will, most functional objects acquire their function by being
made or at least shaped to provide features to meet their
intended purpose. Simple too ls may con sist of just a single
component, but more complex ones (systems) have multiple
components. However, in both cases it is the arrangement of
the parts that provides the function. So a bag of pump parts is
not a pump until they are correctly assembled. You will recall
that in Chapter 11 we called this type of aggregation composi-
tion. Assembly is the intentional composition of object s, as
opposed to the natural composition of objects (of molecules
from atoms, for example).
One of the possibilities with functional objects is to make
multiple ones that are sufficiently similar as to be interchange-
able. Today we take such things for granted, but it is worth
remembering that before Joseph Whitworth and the Whitworth
thread, nuts and bolts were made individually as a pair and that
there was no expectation that a nut that would fit on one bolt
would fit on another bolt of the same size. It was the geni us of
Whitworth that worked out what tolerances the nuts and bolts
had to be made to so that any nut of a certain size would fit
any bolt of the same size. This was a huge breakthrough in
engineering both for mass production and maintenance, since
it allowed parts to be replaced. Systems and system compo-
nents like this are a major topic in their own right, so I will
return to them in the next chapter.
Figure 13-2 shows a basic data model for functional objects
as just described. A functional_object is an intentionally_
object that has a role as an intended_role, where role is the usual
term used for kind of participant.Akind_of_functional_
object is a class_of_functional_object where all of the members
are of the same kind. A functional_object may be a member_of
one or more kind_of_functional_object.Afunctional_object
has an intended_role that is part_of_by_class a class_of_activity