specialization (or subtype/supertype), where
all the members of the subtype are members
of the supertype.
Figure 12-1 shows a Venn diagram for three
instances, a,b,c, and all the possible sets that
can be made from them using the classifica-
tion (membership) relationship:
• A: a, B: b, C: c—the singleton sets
• A-B: a,b, A-C: a,c, B-C: b,c
• X: a,b,c
Now the specialization relationships are
between the classes and are when all the mem-
bers of the subtype are also members of the
supertype; that is, when one ellipse that repre-
sents a set is wholly inside another. So showing
Y subtype of Z as Y, Z gives you the following:
•C,B-C, C,A-C, C,X
•B,A-B, B, B-C, B, X
•A,A-B, A, A-C, A ,X
• A-B,X, B-C,X, A-C,X
It is very easy to confuse classification and specialization,
but they are rather different. Specialization is transitive—
that is, if A is a subtype of A-B, and A-B is a subt ype of X,
then A is necessarily a subtype of X. For example, a hatchback
is a car, and car is a veh icle, therefore a hatchback is a vehicle.
Now let’s try an example of the classifi cation relationship.
My car is a car, and car is a vehicle type. However, my car is not
a vehicle type, so classification is not transitive.
Confusion often arises because we use “is a” as the usual
words for both types of relationship. However, the meaning is
quite different. In natural language, the difference is in the use
of the indefini te article “a.” In the subtype relationship, we say
“a hatc hback is a car”, whereas in the classification, it is just
“car is a vehicle type”; that is, it is car itself, rather than a mem-
ber of car, that is a member.
12.2 Sets and Four-Dimensionalism
You will also recall that an advantage of four-dimensionalism
is that because it is spatio-temporal extents that are members
of a class, the members of a class do not change over time—
viewed from any point in time that state of the car is red. Also,
because I am using possible worlds, you can have sets across
possible worlds that allow you to talk about unicorns, fusion
Figure 12-1 Classification and specialization.
138 Chapter 12 CLASSES