numbers, and they can be positively useful since you can use
logic to work things out (perform reasoning) based on those
For those who choose three-dimensionalism, extensional
identity can lead to conside rable difficulty because the mem-
bership of a class will change over time. If I ask, “How many
cars are there?” in 1700, the answer is zero, today it will be a lot
more, and tomorrow, the answer will again be different. So they
need to use intensional identity for classes, but they will still
need to talk about the extension of the class (usually at a point
in time) and that will be a set. So they need to have both inten-
sionally and extensionally defined kinds of classes, often called
types and sets, respectively.
However, for a four-dimensionalist the choice is real. Wh en I
ask, “How many cars are there?” I ought to get the answer, “All
the cars there ever were or ever will be.” This is because it is not
only the present that exists in a four-dimensional approach.
How many cars exist today, is a different question, as is the
number of cars that exist tomorrow, or in 1700.
Let us look at the difference with an example. Let us take sheep ,
four-legged sheep , and two-eyed sheep as our intensionally defined
classes. N o w as a farmer, when I look in my field, I find I have
twenty sheep; I have twenty sheep that have two eyes; and twenty
sheep that have four legs. So extensionally I have just one class, but
intensionally I still have three classes. Now the reason I have three
classes intensionally is that although I actually only have one exten-
sion, that was not necessarily the case. It is possible that one or
more of the sheep could have had three legs or one eye, in which
case they would have been different. This is also the basis on which
you would want to do your reasoning. So , in fact, the question is:
are there extensional classes that perform this role of what is possi-
ble? Hopefully you have already picked up the clue in the word
“possible ” and remember the previous section on possible worlds.
Even if there were no three-legged or one-eyed sheep in this world,
there will be some possible world in which there are.
A similar example is the case of unicorns. There are no uni-
corns in this world, so extensionally, unicorn would equate to
the emp ty set. However, there are possible worlds in which uni-
corns do exist. So we can talk about the class of unicorns across
possible worlds. This class will be extensional (alright, it will
also be uncountable, but that is a different matter). If I had
Although it is very likely that somewhere in this world there are one or more three-
legged or one-eyed sheep, we cannot actually guarantee it.