do not have temporal parts.
The four-dimensional paradigm
says that I am extended in time as well as space, and that I
have temporal parts as well as spatial parts.
The way that history and change is dealt with is therefore
a 3D approach takes a statement and adds the time or
times at which it is true. However, when this temporal indexing
is not added, then you get a current state assumption. A 4D
approach has time built in; the statement is true for some tem-
poral part of the individual.
The three-dimensional paradigm needs to say that two intui-
tively distinct objects can coincide—say, for example, a cup and
the piece of plastic it is made from—or deny that one of them
exists. In the four-dimensional paradigm, the piece of plastic
and the cup exist for different periods in time and are thus dif-
ferent because they have different spatio-temporal extents.
An important thing to note here is that it is necessary to
choose. You cannot choose to be both three-dimensional and
four-dimensional at the same time; to do so would be to say
that an individual both has and does not have temporal parts.
It may be noted that much of natural language seems to
favor the three-dimensional paradigm. I conjecture that perhaps
this is because much of natural langu age is about the here and
now, and so it has become tuned to be efficient for that.
However, it is perfectly possible to speak four dimensionally.
There are many reasons for making a choice one way or
another, so it is perhaps wor th recalling the object ive of the
framework in making the choice here. The objective is to tie
down, as tightly as possible, the way that things are modeled so
that consistency is easy to achieve—provided that is done with-
out limiting what can be said.
On this basis, I find that four-dimensionalism is the more
rigorous choice. An example of how this is so can be found in
considering the case of the President of the United States.
At the time of writing, the President of the United States is
Barack Obama. The question is, are there two objects here or
one? If there are two, what kind of thing is the President of the
United States?
A three-dimensional approach does not say something defin-
itive about this. I could choose to say that
• There is one physical individual, Barack Obama, and there is
a physical social role that is President of the United States,
and they are coincident while Barack Obama is the President.
A temporal part of me is all of me spatially for a particular period of time.
A spatio-temporal extent is some 4D piece of space-time.