assumptions about the macroscale model used in HMM. In cases when one makes a wrong
assumption, one can still argue that HMM produces an “optimal approximation” for the
macroscale behavior of the solution in the class of the models considered. In this sense,
HMM is a way of addressing the following question: What is the best one can do given
the knowledge we have about the problem at all scales?
Difficulties with the equation-free approach
There is still some confusion about the basics, namely, the basic philosophy of the
equation-free approach. For this reason, we have carefully followed the original papers in
our presentation above about the equation-free approach. To give an example about the
kind of confusion we are concerned with, let us consider the example of analyzing the free
energy profile of a complex system by computing the probability density of some coarse-
grained variables (see for example [33]). The probability density f = f(q) is assumed to
satisfy a Fokker-Planck equation of the form:
[D(q)f(q)] − V (q)f(q)) = 0 (6.4.2)
Here q is some coarse-grained variable. Microscopic models are used to precompute the
coefficients D and V . (6.4.2) is then used to find the free energy density or for other
purposes. This is a very useful approach, as was demonstr ated in [33, 47] and numerous
other examples. It also extends the standard free energy analysis by allowing a more
general form of the diffusion coefficient D. However, from the viewpoint of multiscale
modeling, it is anything but “equation-free”: It is a typical example of the precomputing
(or sequential coupling, see Chapter 1), equation-based technique. It has the standard
merits and difficulties of all precomputing techniques. For example, it becomes unfeasible
when the dimension of q is large.
In addition, as we will see later, the original patch dynamics may suffer from issues
of numerical instability. To overcome these problems, a new version of the patch dy-
namics has been proposed in which a preconceived macroscale model and a macroscale
solver is used to construct the lifting op erator (see Section 6.7). The original appeal of
the equation-free approach, namely that it does not require knowing much about the
macroscale model, seems to be lost in this modified version.
In summary, finding a robust bottom-up approach that does not require making a
priori assumpt ions on the form of the macroscale model is still an open problem. It is
not clear at this stage whether it is possible to have a general approach of this kind and