Here I is the identity matrix and χ(z; U, x) is the solution of
· (a(U, x, z)(∇
χ + I)) = 0 in Γ (6.8.4)
with periodic boundary condition.
Intuitively, we can describe the behavior of the solution as follows. At each point x,
(x) is approximated closely by the value of U(x), the microstructure of u
is locally
described by χ, the solution to the cell problem (6.8.4). χ is parametrized by (U, x) and
is a function over Γ. We can think of χ as being the fiber over x that describ es the local
Another example is the Cauchy-Born rule discussed in Chapter 5. Here the macroscale
behavior is the large scale deformation of the material, the microstructure is the local
behavior of the crystal lattice at each point. It is more interesting to look at the case
of complex lattices. Roughly speaking, Cauchy-Born rule suggests the following picture
about the deformation of the material: The underlying Bravais lattice undergo es smooth
deformation, described by the Cauchy-Born nonlinear elasticity model. The shift vectors
, p
, ··· , p
), which describe the local microstructure (within each unit cell), minimize
the function W (A, p
, p
, ··· , p
) where A is given by the deformation gradient for the
Bravais lattice at the point of interest. Here the microstructure is parametrized by A
and is a function of the indicies for the shift vectors. The position of the shift vectors
can undergo bifurcations, as is the case for structural phase transformation.
This last example becomes more interesting when the atomistic model is an electronic
structure model, with the electronic structure playing the role of the internal structure
(the shift vectors). In this case, the problem becomes very similar to the homogenization
problem discussed in the first example, with the local electronic structure being the fiber
that describes the local microstructure.
To explore the fiber bundle structure further, let us note that there are two fiber
bundles involved (see Figure 6.11): The first is a fiber bundle in the space of indepen-
dent variables, for which the macroscale space-time domain of interest is the underlying
base manifold, called the domain base manifold, and the domains for the additional fast
variable z which describes the local microstructure are the fibers. The second is a fiber
bundle that parametrizes the microstructure. The base manifold, the state base manifold,
is the space of the parameters for the microstructure (e.g. the cell problem). The fibers
are the space of functions over the fibers in the first fiber bundle.
A fiber bundle model generally consists of the following three components: