model and coarsens the full atom representation to a rep-atom representation. Away
from the interface, one also makes t he approximation that the deformation is locally
homogeneous, i.e. one approximates the full atom summation by the Cauchy-Born rule.
Compared with the example of fluids discussed in the last subsection, QC is much
simpler due to the absence of statistical fluctuations. However, consistency errors still
exist at the interface. The simplest and most well-known form of the consistency error
is the “ghost force”, i.e. forces that act on the atoms when they are in the equilibrium
position. These forces are the result of numerical error. We will come back to this
problem later in this chapter.
7.2.2 Coupled gas dynamic-kinetic models
Our next example is continuum gas dynamics locally corrected near shocks by the
kinetic model. The macroscopic model is the gas dynamics equation, say the Euler’s
equation. The microscopic model is a kinetic equation such as the Boltzmann equation
or the BGK model (see Chapter 4). We will assume that the Euler and the kinetic
equations are consistent in the sense that Euler’s equation is obtained from the kinetic
equation under the local equilibrium approximation. As the macroscale solver, it is
natural to choose the kinetic scheme for Euler’s equation (see Chapter 6). Recall that
this is a finite volume scheme with numerical fluxes computed using (6.1.19). This will
help to guarantee consistency between the Euler’s equation and the kinetic equation even
at the numerical level.
Near the shocks the numerical fluxes are computed by solving directly the kinetic
model using micro time steps. Consider a one-dimensional example. Assume that the
interface is located at x
, with Euler’s equation solved on the left side of x
the kinetic equation solved on the right side of x
. For the kinetic equation, we need
a boundary condition when v > 0. It is natural to choose
f(x, v, t) = M(x
, v, t), v > 0 (7.2.12)
where the right hand side is the local Maxwellian corresponding to the macroscopic state
at x
, where superscript “−” means that left limit is taken. The numerical flux at