unknown components of the macroscale model depend on many variables. A good ex-
ample is molecular dynamics. The inter-atomic forces should in principle depend on the
position of all the atoms in the system. It is impractical to precompute the inter-atomic
forces as functions of the atomic positions involved if the system has more than ten
atoms. Therefore in this chapter, we will focus on concurrent coupling techniques.
Many d ifferent numerical methods have been developed to deal with these problems.
Most well-known examples include t he Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (for the first
problem listed above) [8], kinetic schemes for stu dying gas dynamics (which partly address
the second problem) [16], and the quasi-continuum method for studying the deformation
of solids [52, 71]. All these methods share the following features:
1. They allow us to model the macroscale quantities of interest by making use of the
appropriate microscale models instead of ad hoc macroscale models.
2. Computational complexity is reduced by exploring the disparity between the macro
and micro scales in the problem. In the Car-Parrinello method, this is done by
modifying the value of the fictitious mass parameter for the Kohn-Sham orbitals
in the formulation. In the Knap-Ortiz version of the quasi-continuum method [52],
this is done by calculating the energies using only small clusters of atoms instead
of all the atoms. In kinetic schemes, this is done by solving the kinetic equation
locally near the cell boundaries.
These successes and the success of more traditional multiscale algorithms such as the
multi-grid method has given impetus to establishing general frameworks for such multi-
scale meth ods [5, 18, 20, 51]. The hope is that as was the case of finite difference and
finite element methods for solving differential equations, a general framework might lead
to general designing principles and general guidelines for carrying out error analysis. In
[5], Achi Brandt reviewed a general strategy for extending the multi-grid method and
the renormalization group analysis to general multi-physics problems. The new strategy
in principle allows the use of atomistic models such as Monte Carlo models or molec-
ular dynamics at the finest level of a multi-grid hierarchy. It does not require explicit
macroscale models to begin with. In fact, Brandt remarked that one might be able to
construct the effective macroscale model from the data accumulated during the compu-
tation. In addition, one can exploit scale separation by restricting the microscopic model
to small windows and consequently a few sweeps might be enough to equilibrate the mi-