Some theoretical aspects of application of
economical and mathematical designing considered
at acceptance of administrative decisions at the
conditions of in definitiveness, namely during the
optimization of the production program of the
enterprise at the terms of nondetermination of future
prices on products and production resources.
Kirova L L. The mechanisms of the effective
functioning of agroformations.— P. 26.
The results of the research of the condition of
the preparation of Ukraine join to the OUEC are
analyzed, the main contradictions and problems
which arise and take place on the way to
eurointegration are researched, the deepening in it the
agroindustrial integration is determined as the basic
task of APC development.
Klimenko A.A. Economic and organizationally^
methodical aspects of development in ecological activity
of enterprises of Ukraine.— P. 215.
Developed approaches in organization and
management of ecological account and audit are
directed on the decision of the issue of the increase
of efficiency the system of management of ecological.
Begone takes place on the basis of functioning official
normative records from a recordkeeping, accounting
and audit accompany of record keeping of economic
Kolenchenko L P. The tendencies and the
prospects of the development of franchising in
Ukraine.— P. 98.
In the article the new forms of development of
market relations in Ukraine are considered. The
author proposed to use the franchising as an important
form of international transfer of the new technologies.
Komarova I.V. State adjusting of agrarian sector:
the necessity and modern views on the problem.— P. 30.
The author consideres the features of functioning
of agrarian sector as the branch which requiries state
regulation; modern approaches to the necessity of
such regulation.
Levchuk G.V. Socio^economic aspects of external
labour migration of ukrainian population.— P. 161.
In the article the essence and features of
migratory processes of population of Ukraine
considered are on the modern stage. It is thus set that
migration carries mainly illegal character and thus
substantially understates information in relation to the
amount of the employed Ukrainians abroad. The
economic and social consequences of labour
migration of the Ukrainian population are analysed,
both for Ukraine and for countriesrecipients, and also
suggestions are resulted in relation to their
Levchuk Y.S. Methodological bases of system of
indexes of employment of population.— P. 165.
Existent methodology of calculation of absolute
and relative indexes which characterize numerical and
highquality strength of employment of population is
considered in the article, both in formal and in
informal sectors. Classification of these indexes is
resulted, and also the comparative analysis of methods
of their calculation is conducted. On the base of the
conducted analysis the row of suggestions is developed
in relation to perfection of the system of descriptions
of employment of population.
Mamedova L.G. Labour^market: demographic
aspect.— P. 170.
In the article a demographic situation is examined
in Ukraine on the whole and in the Zaporizkiy area
in particular, the influence of demographic factors is
analysed on the structure of economic active
population, on forming of demand and supply of
labour force. The ways of overcoming of negative
progress of demographic processes trends are offered.
Markova N.A. Methodology of scenario
prognostication of the socio^economic systems.—
P. 102.
The features of scenario prognostication of the
socioeconomic systems are considered in the article.
The comparative analysis of traditional methods of
prognostication is conducted, as alsa the basic task of
scenario prognostication is formulated.
Marmul’ L.O. The level of financial welfare of
rural population of region.— P. 173.
In the article the stages of standard of living of
population are examined and their description is
given; the types of the earned incomes of citizens are
determined; the dynamics of average monthly ettlings
of workers of agriculture is analyzed.
Marchenko V.M. Raidership: essence,
prophylaxis, defence.— P. 106.
Basic charts and methods which use raidership
in Ukraine are considered in the article, essence of
raidership is exposed. The ways of general prophylaxis
from raidership are offered.
Mikhov L.I. Adjusting of sizes of posts salaries of
leaders and specialists in agricultural enterprises
depending of the produced goods volumes of the done
products.— P. 176.
The modern system of regulation topmanagers of
salaries calculated depending of the volume of produced
fruit and vegetable products is analized as the tool of
the further improvement of work and decline of losses
of products, because the system of payment of labour
does not provide intercommunication of their earnings
with the job performances of processing enterprises. In
this order it is suggested to differentiate the size of
additional charge (10,15 %) from a post salary for
guidance by this enterprise depending on the volumes
of the processed products.
Oleksenko M.V. Features of account of credit
risks.— P. 196.
The traditional methods of account of credits
risks of bank, imperfections of the informative
providing of risk management in banks are considered.
The renewed system of account of credits risks, which