188 6. Turbulence and Foreign Exchange Markets
An interesting phenomenological analogy between turbulence and finan-
cial markets also follows from realizing the similarity of the probability dis-
tributions and their scale dependences to the spectroscopic lineshapes of im-
purity molecules in disordered solids [86, 87]. Ideally, the optical absorption
spectrum of a molecule in a crystal consists of a series of delta functions.
Imperfections is real systems always lead to a broadening. There, a change
of the lineshape from a Lorentzian distribution to a Gaussian is observed
when the density of the disordered units is varied: when the influence of
the disordered matrix units (which are present in important concentrations)
on a molecule is dominant, the lineshape is a Gaussian, as required by the
central limit theorem. When, on the other hand, the interaction of certain
two-level systems which are quite dilute with the host molecule dominate its
absorption, Lorentzian lineshapes are observed. Models for these line shapes
usually assume additive contribution of the individual perturbing elements
in the neighborhood of the molecules probed.
In a financial market, the traders would take the role of the dye mole-
cules in glasses. The environment influencing their behavior is information
which becomes available at various moments of time. The time passed since
the arrival of a piece of information plays the role of spatial distance in
the molecule-in-a-glass problem. The influence function which, in the spec-
troscopy problem, is taken by the dipole–dipole interaction, becomes a mem-
ory function af(t − t
) in a market. a is the amplitude, t is the time of
a trading decision, and t
is the time of arrival of a piece of information
[86, 87]. The probability distribution of the price changes observed then is
determined by the functional form of f(t − t
). If the frequency of informa-
tion arrival is large with respect to the inverse time scale of the returns under
consideration, the precise form of f (t −t
) does not matter: the central limit
theorem requires that the resulting probability distribution will be Gaussian,
independently of the details of the memory functions. On the other hand,
when the frequency of information arrival is low or the time scale of the re-
turns short enough, the functional form of f(t −t
) matters. For example, for
an exponential memory kernel, the short-time probability distributions have
very flat wings with a pronounced spike at zero return. Such spikes are not
observed in real markets, but they were generated in numerical simulations
of artificial financial markets to be discussed in Sect. 8.3.2. On the other
hand, for a stretched-exponential decay in the memory kernel, a set of time-
scale-dependent probability distribution functions similar to Fig. 6.6 with
a truncation in the wings were obtained. Finally, for an algebraic memory
function, the probability distributions at short times were of the form of the
truncated L´evy distributions discussed in Sect. 5.4.4. The interesting conclu-
sion from this work is that, in terms of fundamental analysis, traders would
account for, resp. the market would reflect, information with a memory which
is scale-free (stretched-exponential or power-law memory function) [86, 87].
In turbulence, the role of the dye molecule/trader would be played by the