152 5. Scaling in Financial Data and in Physics
returns have more weight than negative returns in the range of moderate
variations. When changing from databases with high-frequency data to those
containing daily data, a break similar to that in Fig. 5.23 is observed.
These findings, however, leave us with a puzzle: why is the probability
distribution apparently (almost?) form-invariant under addition of random
variables for the short time scales although the underlying distributions are
not stable? Why does convergence towards a Gaussian occur only beyond four
days? Or why is it so slow, if we refer to the more gradual convergence of the
DAX returns? Why do stock indices have the same power-law behavior in
their return probability density functions as have individual stocks, although
the basic probability distributions are not stable and many individual stock
returns are added to produce that of the index? The answer is not truly
established at present although it is likely that it has to do with correlations
– both temporal and interasset correlations. Some elements of an answer, and
much more information on the structure of financial time series, is provided
by higher-order correlations in the returns, or in the volatility. Other elements
are provided by studying the correlation matrix of the shares traded in one
or several markets. Before addressing these problems, we briefly turn to the
homogeneity of the markets.
The power-law tails do not inform us directly of the width of the distrib-
ution of the stock returns in a given market on a give time horizon, say one
day. A stock index may rise by 1% in a day. However, there may be days
where this 1% return is generated by moderate rises of almost all stocks, and
other days where half of the stocks rise, perhaps even by 10%, or so, and the
other half fall by almost the same amount. This effect is not captured by the
market index, neither in its return nor in its volatility, which is a property of
the index time series. It will not show up either in the power-law exponents
directly. On the other hand, such information on the inhomogeneity of the
price movements in a market may be valuable both from a fundamental point
of view and for investors.
Let γ =1,...,N label a specific stock in a market, and consider one-day
returns δS
(t) only. (For the remainder of this discussion, we drop the time-
scale subscript.) On each trading day, the returns of the ensemble of stocks
will be random variables, and a probability distribution p[δS
(t)] can be
attributed to them. This probability distribution has been determined for
the 2188 stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange from January 1987
to December 1998 [105].
In general, the time series of the individual stocks have different widths
and somewhat different shapes. They are transformed to random variables
with zero mean and unit variance by subtracting their temporal mean, and
dividing by the standard deviation of the time series. In log-scale, their cen-
tral part is approximately triangular, i.e., the variables are drawn from a
Laplace distribution p(δs
) ∝ exp(−a|δs
|) [105]. Furthermore, the distri-
bution in crash periods is very different from that of normal days where it