170 5. Scaling in Financial Data and in Physics
[124, 127]. They can be interpreted by generating a weighted return time
(t) . (5.134)
For the eigenvalue λ
, the weights are determined by the corresponding eigen-
vectors v
. These two time series show one prominent spike each. The spike
of one time series is positive and located at 2:30 p.m. This is the local time in
Germany when the financial news release in the United States starts. Inter-
estingly, it is one hour before the opening of Wall Street which is not clearly
detectable, and there is a significant weighted positive return at that time.
The other spike is negative and located at 5 p.m., which corresponds to the
closing of the German market.
There are other ways of representing correlations in a financial market.
The preceding discussion may be thought of, roughly speaking, as an ensem-
ble view containing (all correlation coefficients of) a correlation landscape
built on a regular lattice (the indices of the correlation matrix entries), con-
taining all fine details in a kind of grayscale (all values between −1and1
represented). An alternative representation could be a view where only the
highest elevations in a landscape are connected (maximal correlations involv-
ing a stock emphasized, irrespective of its position in an index), and con-
trast is enhanced to black and white (all subdominant correlation coefficients
dropped). In this way, the mountain ranges of the landscape become corre-
lation clusters of stocks in a market or market indices in the global financial
systems. A taxonomy of stock markets is built [128]–[130], which emphasizes
the topology of correlations. This taxonomy is similar in structure though
different in detail from the one derived from the model of coupled random
walks [126].
We slightly simplify the discussion of the actual analysis, which proceeds
by using elements of spin-glass theory such as ultrametric spaces. Let C(γ,δ)
defined in (5.117) be the correlation coefficient between the assets γ and δ
and define a “distance”
2[1− C(γ,δ)] . (5.135)
Highly correlated assets have a small distance in this representation. In this
way, a hierarchical structure of asset clusters can be formed, and their evolu-
tion with time can be monitored. When, e.g., country indices of stock markets
are analyzed, three distinct clusters, North America, Europe, and the Asia–
Pacific region, emerge [129]. The participation of countries in these clusters
evolves with time, however. The North American cluster including the Dow
Jones Industrial Average, the S&P500, the Nasdaq 100, and the Nasdaq Com-
posite is stable over time. The European cluster contains, in the late 1980s,
the Amsterdam AEX, the Paris CAC40, the DAX, and the London FTSE.
In the mid-1990s, the Madrid General and Oslo General indices have joined
the European cluster. Other countries, most notably Italy, stayed outside this