6.3 Foreign Exchange Markets 195
For the binomial cascade with p
> 1/2, α
= −log
and α
(1 − p
), while for the log-normal cascade, the logarithms of the mul-
tipliers are drawn from a normal distribution with mean −λ and variance
2(λ − 1)/ ln 2. These expressions characterize the multifractal properties of
the cascade generating Θ(t). Assuming that the return process in chronolog-
ical time is ordinary Brownian motion, the f(α) spectrum of the compound
return process is f
(2α) [158].
Figure 6.7 shows examples for the dependence of the scaling exponents of
the moments on their order, taken from FX markets and from two turbulent
flows [141]. All three data sets display a concave bend downward away from
a straight line ξ
= n/3, corresponding to the Kolmogorov hypothesis for
turbulence. One can, in principle, derive the f(α) spectrum from such a
scaling behavior, inverting (6.38). Numerous analyses of turbulent flows in
terms of multifractal properties have been performed following the pioneering
work of Mandelbrot [159]. We will not discuss them here. Some of the most
recent work, e.g., finds evidence for multifractal atmospheric cascades from
global scales down to about 1 km from the analysis of satellite cloud pictures
at visible and infrared wavelengths [160].
Qualitatively similar though quantitatively different behavior has been
found in 14 years of daily data of the French Franc (FRF) against the Swiss
Franc (CHF), the US Dollar (USD), the Great Britain Pound (GBP), and
the Japanese Yen (JPY) [142, 161]. Firstly, the slope of the small-n approxi-
mations is rather close to 1/2, instead of 1/3 as above, for the high-frequency
USD/DEM rates. 1/2 is the slope expected for Brownian motion, so one may
wonder if the appearance of this slope may be related to the longer time
scale analyzed. Secondly, while again one observes a systematic concavity of
the ξ
versus n curves, it is particularly weak for the JPY and particularly
pronounced for the DEM exchange rate. The case of FRF against GBP is re-
vealing because, during the last two years of the sampling interval, the GBP
entered the European Exchange Mechanism which allowed a maximal devi-
ation of 12% from a preset reference value: imposing this restriction leads
to a significant increase of the concave downward bend in the ξ
versus n
curves, rather similar to the FRF/DEM curves, while before the behavior
was more akin to FRF/USD or FRF/CHF [161]. If confirmed, this finding
would imply that unregulated and regulated markets can be discriminated
by the concavity of their ξ
(n) curves.
The behavior of the exponents of the lowest moments can be interpreted in
simple pictures [162]. ξ
= H, the Hurst exponent, describes the roughness of
the path described by the time series: ξ
> 1/2, a persistent time series gives
a more ragged path than Brownian motion while an antipersistent time series
< 1/2) gives a smoother path. A sparseness coefficient C
can be defined
by taking ξ
as a continuous function of n, and taking the derivative C
. The sparseness describes the intermittency, or temporal
concentration, of the signals. For C
= 0, i.e., ξ
∝ n, ξ
= 0 describes white