216 7. Derivative Pricing Beyond Black–Scholes
Often, the first cumulant can be calculated analytically. Within our approxi-
mation of geometric Brownian motion, it is simply the Gaussian transform of
the function g containing the path dependence of the option. An important
practical advantage is that the size of the time slices entering the partially
averaged cumulants can be chosen much bigger than the sampling scale of the
options, which determines the structure of the sampling function w.Thisis
an important simplification in the evaluation of the multidimensional integral
in (7.72), which can be evaluated by standard Monte Carlo methods [171].
Again, however, no benchmark examples are provided which would allow for
a critical assessment of the virtues and drawbacks of this method.
Another perspective is opened up by applying directly numerical meth-
ods to the Lagrangian (or Hamiltonian) which is generated by a path-integral
formulation of the conditional probability distribution functions [172]. One
such method is simulated annealing, which is an extension of a Monte Carlo
importance sampling method. The aim is to find the global minimum of a
ragged energy landscape. To this end, simulated annealing works at finite
temperature. The process is started at high temperature, and the temper-
ature then is lowered in order to trap the system in an energy minimum.
Normally, this minimum will not be the global but rather a local minimum.
In order to find the global minimum, the system is reheated and recooled
in cycles. In finance, the equivalent of the ragged energy landscape would be
stochastic volatility. The global minimum dominates the evolution of the con-
ditional probability density with time. Once it has been calculated from the
path-integral representation, one again we can use it for expectation-value
derivative pricing in a risk-neutral world.
7.8 Path Integrals: Integrating Path Dependence
into Option Pricing
It is surprising that less work has been done on the use of path integrals to
incorporate path dependences into option theory. The most prominent exam-
ple of path-dependent options are the plain vanilla American-style options.
Depending on the actual path followed by the price S(t) of the underlying,
early exercise may or may not be advantageous [10]. In Sect. 4.5.4, we have
discussed that the correct pricing of American options requires approximate
valuation procedures even when the price of the underlying follows geometric
Brownian motion. Some of them certainly can be improved. Exotic options
with path-dependent payoff profiles are other examples where the methods
described in the following can be useful.
The central problem in pricing path-dependent options is the evaluation
of conditional expectation values such as those used on the right-hand sides
of (4.100) and (4.101). We can write them in the general form