236 8. Microscopic Market Models
An important element of the LLS work is that they simulate two differ-
ent versions of the model, one with a homogeneous trader population, and
another one with hetereogeneous traders.
Agent Homogeneity Versus Agent Heterogeneity The homogeneous
model has been specified in the preceding section. The only trader-specific
component is the random number added to the order volumes of the various
traders. Interest rates were taken as 4% per year, and the initial dividend
yields were 5% per year. Dividends were increased by 5% annually. Similar
numbers apply to the S&P500 index [180].
Such a model goes through a series of booms and crashes [180]. After
an initial transient, the stock price rises exponentially with the return rate
of the dividends. This rapid rise makes the investors very bullish about the
stock, and they will invest into the stock as much as possible. However,
in such a homogeneous situation, a small change in return can lead to a
discontinuous change of investment preferences, and trigger massive sales.
The market crashes and reaches a bottom at a much lower level. Again, it
will become more homogeneous, and a small increase of returns will trigger
a boom: investors sell the bond and buy the stock, and the price increases
sharply. This pattern reproduces periodically, with the period equal to the
memory span of the investors.
Additional heterogeneity can be introduced in several ways. One can give
the agents different memory spans, or different utility functions. In both cases,
the return histories lose their periodicity. In the simplest case with two pop-
ulations with different memory spans, the returns still oscillate between the
two limiting values of the homogeneous model, but the oscillations are “less
periodic” than before. Not surprisingly, they become more aperiodic when
the memory spans of the traders are randomized, and when in addition, they
get different utility functions. Finally, when another population is introduced
which holds a constant investment proportion in the stock, price histories are
simulated which compare favorably with the actual evolution of the S&P500.
This work shows, among other things, that heterogeneity is an important
element in the financial market. A “representative investor” as assumed in
many theoretical arguments of economics, is a construction which is not justi-
fied by the behavior of real markets. Moreover, it shows that several elements
of heterogeneity must be present simultaneously, in order to produce appar-
ently realistic time series, such as heterogeneity of memory, of expectations,
and investment strategies. When the market becomes more homogeneous,
crashes are inevitable. Notice finally that so much has been learned about
real markets because of the extensive discussion of simulation results which
deviate significantly from real market behavior [180].
Ising Models, Spin Glasses, and Percolation
In the previous models, the amount of stock bought or sold by the traders
was a continuous variable. One can achieve a higher degree of simplifica-