138 5. Scaling in Financial Data and in Physics
other (bottom) of a patient suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy [83]. For
reasons of stationarity, one prefers to analyze the probability for a variation
of the interbeat interval (in the same way as financial data use returns rather
than prices directly). The surprising finding then is that both time series lead
to L´evy distributions for the increments I
= B(i +1)− B(i) with the same
index µ ≈ 1.7 (not shown) [83]. The main difference between the two data
sets, at this level, is the standard deviation, which is visibly reduced by the
To uncover more differences in the two time series, a more refined analysis,
whose results are shown in Fig. 5.19, is necessary. The power spectrum of the
time series of increments, S
with I(f) the Fourier transform
of I
, for a normal patient has an almost linear dependence on frequency,
S(f ) ∼ f
. For the suffering patient, on the other hand, the power spec-
trum is almost flat at low frequencies, and only shows an increase above a
finite threshold frequency [83]. To appreciate these facts, note that, for a
purely random signal, S(f ) = const., i.e., white noise. Correlations in the
signal lead to red noise, i.e., a decay of the power spectrum with frequency
S(f ) ∼ f
with 0 <β≤ 1. 1/f noise, typically caused by avalanches, is an
example of this case. On the other hand, with anticorrelations (a positive sig-
nal preferentially followed by a negative one), the power spectrum increases
with frequency, S(f) ∼ f
. This is the case here for a healthy patient. With
the disease, the small-frequency spectrum is almost white, and the typical an-
ticorrelations are observed only at higher beat frequencies. Also, detrended
fluctuation analysis shows different patterns for both healthy and diseased
subjects [83].
5.5.5 Amorphous Semiconductors and Glasses
The preceding discussion may be rephrased in terms of a waiting time dis-
tribution between one heartbeat and the following one. Waiting time distri-
butions are observed in a technologically important problem, the photocon-
ductivity of amorphous semiconductors and discotic liquid crystals. These
materials are important for Xerox technology.
In the experiment, electron–hole pairs are excited by an intense laser pulse
at one electrode and swept across the sample by an applied electric field. This
will generate a displacement current. Depending on the relative importance of
various transport processes, different current–time profiles may be observed.
For Gaussian transport, the electron packet broadens, on its way to the other
electrode, due to diffusion. A snapshot of the electron density will essentially
show a Gaussian profile. The packet will hit the right electrode after a char-
acteristic transit time t
which shows up as a cutoff in the current profile.
Up to the transit time, the displacement current measured is a constant.
In a strongly disordered material, the transport is dispersive, however.
Now, electrons become trapped by impurity states in the gap of the semi-
conductor. They will be released due to activation. The release rates depend